Prime Target: Part 1 (T)

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Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING! The Sorcerer's Apprentice and all of its characters belong to Disney.

Rated: T (Teen): Mild Adult Language.

Requester: None.

Trigger Warnings: Miscarriage

"Maxim, you look horrible."

Maxim rolled his eyes as he slid into the front passenger seat of Drake's car. They sat there for a moment looking at each other before Maxim scowled at the illusionist he had agreed to take on as his official apprentice. Horvath had nearly killed the young sorcerer by using a parasite spell to drain his magic. The least he felt he could do was teach the boy how to protect himself properly and master what remained of his magic. However, the bond between master and apprentice didn't need to include sticking one's nose into another's personal business. "For heaven's sake! What're you waiting for boy? Start the car already!"

Drake frowned. He didn't like seeing his master so pale. He knew something was wrong, but Maxim was too stubborn and proud to ask for help, so the sorcerer simply did as he was told.

He drove his master back to the Arcana Cabana. Horvath told him to go on home, that they'd practice the next day, but Drake followed him into the store anyway despite the older morganian's dismissal.

Veronica was standing at the cash register when they both came in. She offered Drake a friendly smile, then frowned when she saw how ill Maxim was. "Maxim, I think it's time for you and Drake to go back to the penthouse. It has only been a day and that binding spell's already effecting you. We're worried about you-all of us-including Morgana."

Maxim winced as if Veronica had slapped him. She may as well have. All anyone needed to do was mention Morgana's name and Maxim acted like a whipped dog.

Morgana had accused Maxim of knowing about the failsafe Merlin affixed onto the inner most layer of the grimhold in which she'd been trapped. In truth, he'd had no idea, as he hadn't been there whenever the doll was forged. Not that it mattered. Merlin's binding spell had been set to activate the very moment Maxim had released Morgana. Neither of them had realized due to the aura surrounding the nesting doll. It had drowned out that of the old man's binding spell which tethered itself around Morgana's soul and Maxim's body tying him to her for an eternity. They couldn't break or undo the tether because it would result in death for the one who severed it. The spell kept Morgana from using her magic for malicious purposes and left Maxim physically ill whenever he was away from her for a long period of time.

He'd preserved her body, carried it within his own focus for twelve hundred and seventy years, and he had even found a way to resurrect her after she'd suffered defeat at Prime Merlinian Dave Stutler's hands. One would think she'd at least be grateful. Instead, the woman had struck him on the cheek before calling him a liar.

Morgana hadn't realized how badly she'd wounded Maxim until Abigail Williams found a post-it on the fridge telling them he'd left the penthouse. The note hadn't said when or even if he'd return. Morgana had gone into hysterics as he was her lover. The strain had taken it's toll on her recently resurrected body. She'd been bedridden for a day. If things didn't change-and soon-she'd die, and no one wanted that-not even Balthazar.

"You have to go back Maxim. Morgana hasn't been back in her own body for more than a few days and she's already sick. She's refusing to eat or drink and she hasn't slept at all in the last twelve hours."

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