Karasuno || Talent

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Sugawara Koushi:
Don't know how or why but he is very flexible. (Aye DAICHI) He likes to amuse Hinata rolling over and talking to him backwards.

Daichi Sawamura:
He can sing in a very low voice. Sometimes scares others when he does.  Hinata likes when he acts like the kool aid man.

Asahi Azumane:
Like really good a handstands. Can basically do anything upside-down disputed his large appearance.

Tsukishima Kei:
Good with his hands. Can solve a rubix cube. Folds paper like a genius. Wanna crane? He's ur man. Or beanpole.

Yamaguchi Tadashi:
He can talk and sing with his mouth closed. It sounds as if he's speaking normally. Also really good at impressions and sounds.

Hinata Shoyou:
He can do a lot of weird things with his face. Able to touch his tongue to his nose, move his ears, roll his tongue, do eyebrow dances, and flip his eye lids inside-out. He did that and scared Asahi making him accidentally smack him on the side of the head.

Kageyama Tobio:
This blueberry can do the knife game. First time that he did it he scared Asahi, Suga, and Yachi halfway to death. Also has a habit of throwing the knife at a wall afterwards.

Ennoshita Chikara:
Can talk backwards. It's weird. Give him any word and he can tell you what it is backwards in an instant. Likes to confuse people. It's his own little language.

Tanaka Ryuunosuke:
Really good at doing stuff in slow-mo. Jokes around with Hinata and Nishinoya. Does it purposely when Suga or Daichi want him to do something.

Nishinoya Yuu:
He can rotate his limbs in very weird ways. He is t flexible, just double maybe triple jointed. Freaks Asahi and Yachi out by reaching towards them with his arm all bent out of shape.

Kinoshita Hisashi:
He's really good at spinning pens. He would've been in a baton twirling club if there was one. Occupies himself by doing this. Also has a bad habit taking others' pens.

Kazuhito Narita:
Good at cracking things. He can pop any joint if needed without causing pain. Everyone always goes to him when they're in pain. Wants to be pain for his work.

This is something new. Just trying it. Let me know if you liek it or not. Bye bye~

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