thank you

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"there are as many versions of love as there are hearts on this earth."

- samo -

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it is the last day of spring. i know i'm getting over you because i'm starting to care less. it feels like i've broken free of the shackles around my heart.

as i walk around greeting people, i can't help the huge smile on my face. it comes naturally like it used to.

everyone congratulates me on my book launching. the reception has been amazing.

people ask me the source of my inspiration and i only just smile. even though it started out seeming like it was you, i slowly realised i was my own inspiration.

somewhere in the middle of writing, i didn't think of you. i only thought of my own feelings.

i don't think of you like i used to. and even though i'll always love you, it won't be the same.

i hope you're happy. i want you to be happy. and i no longer want or need to be the reason for your happiness.

now the pain is gone. you're still in my heart but it doesn't hurt anymore.

thank you. thank you for falling in love with me and loving me the way you did. thank you for always being by my side.

thank you for being my pillar of support. thank you for being a source of strength to me. and for staying with me as long as you did, caring for me.

thank you for taking that love away from me. for leaving me sitting on what used to be our couch, staring at a cold cup of liquid chocolate.

thank you for teaching me that a happy ending isn't always guaranteed. thank you for teaching me how to let go. thank you for teaching me how to be my own source of strength.

thank you because when i lost you, i learned that i didn't lose love. thank you for making me realise, when you stopped loving me, that i am always surrounded by love. that i have the love of my family and my friends and writing.

when you stopped loving me, i learned to love myself. i learned to be by myself. i grew, and i am still growing, despite the pain of loving you. because of the pain of loving you.

and because you took your love away, i learned to stand on my own and find true love deep within me.

thank you because when i lost your love, i discovered that i do not need someone to complete me.

that having someone does not make me happy but happier. that not having someone does not make the walk impossible, only slightly more difficult.

and here i am walking on my own, making my own pace and slowly breaking into a run.

and i have you to thank for that. so from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


the thank you's are a bit of an overkill i know

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