A Date?

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Shubble's POV

Graser said that he had something special planned for me. He has been acting very strange lately, I wonder what's wrong. Oh no... I keep getting this feeling that someone is watching me. It has been happening for a while now, I look behind me but there is nobody there. Hopefully whatever Graser has planned will get my mind off of this, after all it's probably just my imagination.

"SSSSSSSHHHEEELLLBBBYYY!!!!!" Graser was calling me, I better hurry up. I wonder where we are going, Graser really hasn't said much about it. I'm sure it will be exciting though as long as Graser is around.

Graser's POV

Everything is ready for our date today, well I guess it isn't technically a date since I didn't technically ask her. Whatever though! Shelby walks into the room and I am stunned, she is just the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my entire life. I can feel my face getting hot, am I blushing!?! "Well, um, first let's go get some breakfast at IHOP," I know that she loves that place. We walk out the door and go have a nice breakfast of pancakes, egg, and most of all... BACON!

"That was the best breakfast ever!" That smile she gives me just seems to melt my heart.

"Well the fun is not over yet! Let's go to the movies to watch Wonder Woman," I booked the sets early for the fifth row center because I know that is her favorite spot. After the movie we go to the park until it's time for lunch. I really think I got her this time when I revealed a picnic in a clearing in the outskirts of the park.

Shubble's POV

So far this has been the best day ever. Graser has done so many nice things for me already. He is amazing... I think... I like him... Yes, I knew I liked him for so long but I guess I have finally admitted it to myself. Were eating lunch and talking and I'm blushing a lot, then I realize that he is blushing too. Maybe he likes me as much as I like him and that is why he is doing this. I smile.

It suddenly get's really cold and I get that feeling again that we are being watched. I shiver and Graser asks me if I want to go to the next place since we are basically done and I think that is a good idea so we go. Leaving that bad feeling behind we go to the arcade, Graser knows that I love it there. I beat him at practically every game.

"Are you cheating?" Graser asked me with a pouty face. He really hates losing.

"No. I'm just that awesome," my stomach starts to growl as I say that. "I guess I'm hungry, where are we going to have dinner?" I ask him.

"It's at that new Mountainside restaurant," he says and I am surprised because that is a very fancy place. I smile at him, he is the best, we leave holding hands.

After dinner

Graser's POV

Shelby is so amazing, she is kind and beautiful. We were sitting on the mountain side watching the sunset, Shubble sat next to me. She turned to look at me and told me something that made my heart stop.

"Graser, you know you shouldn't take me on a date without asking me..." I was completely dumbfounded. She leaned closer to me, " I like you too by the way." It was the single happiest moment of my life. Then it was shattered when I felt someone push me and I fell. I heard Shelby scream and I saw a shadow, I kept falling. There was pain, and coldness, then nothing...

A/N: Leave it on a cliffhanger! What will happen! I actually don't know because I'm just making it up as I go. Comments are appreciated. Feel free to give me some suggestions about what you think should happen. Story updated daily.

PS. I made a picture but I can't add it on here, it says the link address is too long. Does anyone know how to fix that?

#Grubble, A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now