The Plan

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Shubble's POV

"Noooooo! Graser!" I saw him falling and I was overwhelmed with fear. I saw him fall into the river far below, I hope that he is still alive. "Help! Somebody Help me!" I cried. Then I turned around and came face to face with the monster that tried to kill my Graser.

"Hello Shubble," his creepy voice gave me shivers. "I am sorry that I killed him but it had to be done. But now we could be together." Then my head hurts and everything goes black.

An unknown time later

I woke up in a dark room, I was tied to a chair and that man was standing on the other side of the room. Was that even a man, I can't tell but he does look very familiar. "Death?" I ask, he looks up and I am again afraid.

Graser's POV

I'm cold and wet, but I seem to be alive. Whoever that was tried to kill me and he has Shelby. I have to save her. I get up off of the sandy floor, I think broke some bones, but I need to get to Shelby. I start walking out of the mountain area to get to the city and save Shubble. I will need some help to find her though. I get my phone out and call Will.

"Hello Graser, how are you?" Will asks. My voice is strained and I'm in a lot of pain.

"Will... I need your help..." Will starts to get worried.

"Graser what's wrong? Are you ok? What happened? Is Shubble ok?" He is asking questions very quickly. He is the only person I told about the date, he's the one that helped me get into the mountain side restaurant.

"No, we a-are not ok. The date was-s going w-well until... until someone pushed me off of cliff and I f-fell into the rushing river. T-then they took Shubble," I said.

"Where are you, I'll find you and then we can go find Shubble," he explained.

"I'm somewhere below the mountain cliff, by a river," I said before I fell unconscious.

Shubble's POV

"What do you want?" I ask. I'm feeling more confident for some reason. I just feel that Graser is still alive and he is coming to save me.

"I want you. I love you. I will let no one else have you. Especially that Graser." That is all that he said then he was silent again. I felt my phone in my pocket and I turned it on. Only the basic setting came up and I didn't want to risk Death seeing it so I just turned on GPS and slid it back into my pocket. I hope Graser and find m soon.

Graser's POV

I wake up again in Will's house. "Will," I manage to say. He runs to my side and tells me to sit still because I am in really bad shape. I have 15 broken bones, 3 of which are ribs. The rest of my body is nearly completely bruised and it is very difficult to breath.

"Don't worry Graser we will find her no matter what," he suddenly gets really angry, "and he will pay for what he did to you." I smile.

"Wow Will, I didn't know you cared so much," then a noise came from his computer.

"This is great, her I found her location from the GPS. She i in an abandoned warehouse on the other side of town," he says. At that information I get up and wince in pain. "Graser! You are seriously hurt! You were pushed off of a cliff and nearly died! I will handle this. Help me make a plan and I will go get Shelby. Ok?"

"No Will, I need to get her. Just help me get her back and I will end the person that took her," I love her and I must be the one to save her. Will reluctantly agrees and we start making a plan. Will will go around to the front and distract this person while I get Shubble. First he has to patch me up though and then we will get going.

A/N: Starting to get very dramatic. I hope that anyone who reads it is enjoying it so far. There will probably only be one more chapter. Maybe two. Comments are appreciated, constructive criticism too.

#Grubble, A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now