A Death

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Graser's POV

Shubble is safe and that is all that matters to me. Now I am fighting a monster while being seriously injured. When did my life take this turn. How did it become so insanely difficult. I guess it was when I fell in love with Shubble. People aren't lying when they say love hurts.

"Who are you? What do you want with Shubble?" I ask him.

"I am Death. Shubble is my love. I am the only one who can have her. You must be eliminated," he said. The he came at me and hit me with his deadly powers. He tried to strike again but I moved out of the way. He teleported behind me and then I turned quickly and punched him in the stomach.

"How? You shouldn't be able to touch me," he said surprised. Not many people know this but I am part robot. So I can do many things that normal humans can't do. Also my love for Shubble helps me fight harder than ever. I will protect her.

Shubble's POV

I snuck out of the police station, I had to save Graser. He risked his life for me and I am determined to do the same. I am running down the street back to the warehouse that Graser had saved me from. Will had already left with the police for he knew that was incredibly serious and he wanted to save Graser. I could see the police lights and hear the sirens from down the street, they brought an ambulance for Graser. I rush to the scene, Death must have taken Graser inside.

Graser's POV

I can hear the sirens outside. I knew that Will would bring the authorities into this. He could always tell when the situation was too much we could handle. Saving Shubble was easy however I was badly hurt and hd Death's undivided attention so a distraction would not work.

"Come out of the building with your hands up!" A police officer yelled. It's not like this Death guy was going to listen to him. He was seriously crazy. I block his attacks, at least I try to because they literally burn my skin. I look like a complete mess. I kick him and he flies into a ray of light streaming in from outside. I see that it burns him and he moves out of the way. Now I know how I will destroy him.

"Hey Death, the police are here. How are you going to get out of this," I am trying to stall because I don't have much energy left, I'm basically running on fumes. I'm moving alot slower to. Death comes up behind me and pushes me to the ground. Then the officers burst through the door. "Shine the light on him!" I yell with all of my remaining strength.

"Will pushes the other doors open so that all of the lights from the car's shine on Death. He tries to move but I hold him there. Then he literally goes up in smoke, he yells and disappears. Now that problem is solved.

Shubble's POV

I ran to the building and I saw Graser destroy Death. I ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Graser! I was so worried about you," he hugged me back and I pulled away, realising he was in pain. "Don't Worry Graser. It will be ok, we'll take you to the hospital and you will be ok." The police officers and firefighters take Graser to the ambulance and Will pull me out of the way. I can't help but hug him and cry.

"Graser will be ok. There is nothing to worry about," Will whispered to me. I knew he was right. I will help him get better, after all I feel that this is my fault.

Initiate Flashback

"Come on Death," Death and I were in a park. Now was the moment that I had to do it. I had to break up with him. I just didn't love him, I had feelings for another. I bowed my head, I knew this would hurt him but it had to be done.

"What is Shubble? I love you, you could tell me anything," he told me. That just made me feel even worse. So I got all of the courage I could find and I told him.

"Death... I'm breaking up with you," At this he was outraged. He told me that if he couldn't have me then no one could. And in the end I would be his.

End of Flashback

Graser was taken to the hospital. Will looked after Shubble until he could take her to visit Graser.

A/N: I really hope that everyone liked this story. I've said this a couple of times now but there will only be one more chapter. Comments are appreciated.

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