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Once i got home i took a shower and got dressed in some PINK boxers and a t-shirt and threw my hair into a ponytail. Cole had dropped Aria off and she was chilling in her bouncer.

I walked down to get some food cooking. I decided on fried fish and fries. I hurried and cooked and once i finished someone was ringing my doorbell.

I lived in a gated community with guards at the door but i was still paranoid someone would hurt me or my daughter so i grabbed the machete i had in the kitchen and went open the door. 

"Woah put the machete down it's just me" Dom said and i frowned

"what are you doing here" I asked him and lowering the machete.

"you said i could spend the night with my daughter remember" He said and i rolled my eyes because i had forgot. Good thing i didnt have anyone coming over.

I opened the door wider so he could come in and went put the machete up and finished eating my food.

Dom stood up looking around the living room and looking uncomfortable.

"what's wrong" i asked

"Nothing just trying to see where my daughter lives that's all why dont you have more guards" he asked

"I dont need all the dam members in the cartel i need some incase there was trouble. I live in a gated community with a few members and im not helpless so i dont need alot and those guards are actually for our daughter" i said

"I dont like ol dude being our daughters guard" he said and i frowned

"did you come in my life to make things hectic why dont you like mars" i asked 

"I just dont like a random man i dont know around my daughter"

"i know and trust him your uncle trust him"

"But im her fadda is that not ringing a bell in your empty ass head she is half me half you and you acting like i dont have an opinion i want someone else to guard my daughter is that okay with you"

"No it's not because she has been safe and protected when you werent around" I simply said getting up to put my dishes away.

"Who's fault was that"

"actually your blaming me but if you had proved to your father you could handle shit and stop whining then you would have been there for your dam daughter stop acting like it was me who fucking cheated me who did all of this because ever since I met you i havent been able to make a dam choice for myself i barely get to make one for Aria" I snapped.

"Look here bitch you aint gonna dictate me or my child"He said

"get out" I said getting angry.

"No i aint leaving i came here for my daughter"

"and you wore your welcome out she sleep you can see her tomorrow" i said 

"she not fucking sleep i came here for her stop being upset because no body care about your crazy ass anymore" he said. I nodded my head and brushed pass him.

I walked to my room and slammed the dam door. If i didn't hate Dom i hated him now.

I hated the fact we had ever met or had a child together.

My phone was ringing and I saw it was Daveed.

"what" i said

"Don't what me what's wrong" He asked

"Alot Dom found out about Aria and he's here raising all types of bullshit i know what's right for her"

"I hate to say this but i told you so that man was gonna be angry about not knowing about his baby"

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