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I sat in my room planning my attacks to get rid of Kaylee. I didnt feel like leaving the room because i wasnt in the mood. I even stopped taking my borderline personality disorder medicine because i knew with it i would be to rational and at this point i wanted the bitch dead and her uncle. They weren't as big as the cartel was so it wasnt like i would have somebody coming after me. 

The trap i was gonna use for Kaylee was her poor little Tre she still love that dumbass so the easiest way to get to her was to get to him. I wasnt even half way through planning before Aria's abuelo called me.

"Hello" i said

"What are you doing we have a meeting going on and your not here" He said

"I have things to plan i can get my on revenge"

"no your gonna get you ass down here like the rest of us and we're gonna plan this together and bring my Aria i miss her" He said and i rolled my eyes before hanging up and going take a shower. I put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black tanktop and went see Aria who was sleeping. I sighed knowing i would have to wake her up and bath her. Ofcourse her no good ass papa wasnt here he didnt even say shit about where he was going .

I got her dressed and was getting annoyed by her crying at this point.

"Aria shut up" I yelled and she looked at me before crying louder so i did what any annoyed parent would do put a pacifier in her mouth. 

I put her in her carseat and me her and mars drove to her abuelo's house.

When we got there i seen all the expensive cars and rolled my eyes irratated already. Mars grabbed the carseat while I texted Leeyah who had asked if i wanted to have a smoke session with her later back.

I walked in and was directed to the meeting room by his butler.  When i walked in i heard laughing and went sit down between Cole and Powell. I grabbed my daughter out her carseat and placed her on my lap as i stared across at her stupid ass uncle.

She reached for something and i saw it was Cole she was reaching for and I let her go.

"Now that everyones here we can start let me first say this Cole give me Aria " He said and Cole frowned

"No this is my baby i dont care what nobody say she even wanted to come to me"

"cause you eating candy she probably want some"Powell said

"I called for her to be delivered here so i get to have her first she wants to be at the head of the table anyways" he said and got up coming grab her. He kissed her cheek before sitting down

"So i remember you saying you were working on revenge which means you obviously knows who did it"

"Ofcourse i know it was kaylee the same bitch from highschool"

"Kaylee?" Powell said and i remembered they didnt know about her only people who would know her would be Dom and Cole

"some gyal who hates Jani's guts because she thinks Jani and her boyfriend slept together"

"did you sleep with her boyfriend"Dom asked

"Did you " i fired back rolling my eyes

"well what does she want give me some back story over the info you collected" he said

"well turned out her papa was Malik who yes i use to work for when i first moved here they have a smaller drug business but her mission is to off me that's why i didnt want alot of people knowing about my daughter but since someone posted her on snapchat i guess people know her now"I said eyeing Dom

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