Chapter 2

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Selena's P.O.V.

My dad and that Jeremy guy have been arguing for over an hour.

From what I heard, my dad owes him money and lots of it too.

Jeremy keeps threatening my dad, saying if he doesn't pay up he'll torture him in front of the ones he loves.

I don't exactly love my dad, but I couldn't bare to watch him get tortured before being killed right in front of my eyes.

"I came here for my money and I'm not leaving without it or I swear to g-"

"I don't have your money! Come on let's work something out here, what can I give you in return; anything?!" My dad pleaded.

"Unless it makes me money, its useless!"

"Um um- my daughter!"

I froze. What?

"What? Your daughter?!" Jeremy asked confused.

"Ye-yes." my dad stuttered.

"What use will your daughter do me? How will she make me money?"

"You have a son her a-age don't you? Give him to her. O-or you can... sell her f-for money."

What?! I may not be worth living but I sure as hell ain't prostituting myself.

"Well... it is around the time my son should become a man. Also the prostitution idea isn't all that bad, I always have customers looking for younger employees."

Fuck no. I rather die than sell my body to different men everyday.

Dying didn't seem like such a bad idea. I don't have nothing to live for anyways.

This happeing is a sign, a sign telling me its time.

I ran towards my window and climbed out and down. I ran all the way to the bridge near by my house. My breathing got heavy and my palms got sweaty. I climbed onto the edge of the bridge, I stood up on it and looked down at the water.

It looked so deep and far down into the greenish water.

I looked up at the sky and took a deep long breathe.

I moved my right foot forward into the air.


Someone pushed me away from the edge and onto the bridge.

He was grabbing me by the waist as we fell back, me falling on top.

"Let me go! I wanna die! Please let me die!" I screamed and kicked, trying to get away from him.

"You stupid bitch! If you die, I die with you!" My dad yelled while holding me down.

"I don't wanna go with him!" I cried while glaring at Jeremy.

"Your my daughter and I fucking order you! Take her."

"No please don't!" I cried as a big tall man ripped my from my dads arms.

"No! Stop!" I screamed as he tried pushing me into the back seat of a limo.

Who resists a limo? Well I am getting sold to hell.

"Hurry up and put the bitch in!" Jeremy ordered the man.

He tried forcing me into the car but I screamed and kicked, making it impossible.

"Hit her, just fucking get her in!"

The guy hit me in the head with something hard and cold.

Everything went black.

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