Chapter 21

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Selena's P.O.V.

Justin lightly pushes me into our room and locks the door behind him. I slowly make my way over to the bed and sit down on the edge. My eyes begin to burn, as for I have not blinked since I heard those words come out of Patties' mouth. They keep replaying in my head, making it harder to breathe. Every word taking my breath away leaving a shake pain in my chest.

'I want a grandchild.' She has said and stared at me. Her dark teary teary eyes pierced into mine like cold ice.

My sweaty hands clam together, trembling, I press them to my stomach. For some reason I feel the need to puke. Maybe because it also feels like all my insides are twisting and spinning. My mouth becomes watery; indicating that I am going to puke. I try to contain my body from trembling but its no use.

"Baby, baby, look at me." He says, grabbing my face in his hands, making me look up at him.

His face is sad and worried, making my stomach twist in knots. If he wants to do as he mom wishes, I think I'll die. I'm not ready to be a mom. I'm not. Especially not here and now.

His thumbs slide across my cheeks and he mumbles, "Baby, please don't cry."

I had not noticed I was crying, worse yet, sobbing. He probably thinks I'm being over the top and annoying.

I quickly wipe away my tears, which is useless considering other tears replace them.

"I'm sorry," I sniffle. "I don't mean to overreact, its just-"

"Baby, I don't think you're overreacting," He sighs.

I close my eyes and run my palms against them, wiping away my tears. Again, completely useless, I cry again. "H-how could she want t-that?"

"Want what?" He seems confused by my question.

"Justin," I groan which makes him chuckle.

He sits close to me on the bed and wraps his arms around me. I snuggle more into his chest and also wrap my arms around his torso. I sigh and wait for him to speak. But after a couple of minutes he still doesn't mumble a word.

"Justin?" I mumble into his chest.

"Yeah?" he answers.

"Aren't you gonna answer?"

"No, I just want to hold you," he says.

A light giggle escapes from my mouth. "But you can do that any other time, babe."

He grins down at me. "But I want to hold you now."

"But I want to know." I smile up at him sweetly.

He sighs. "Okay but I'm not letting you go."

"I don't want you too, anyway." I giggle.

"My mom had me basically because. . . she was unhappy," he begins to say and I listen attentively. "My dad buys her everything and anything she wants to try and keep her happy. She's his wife so I suppose its his job. . . I really don't know but I think babies make my mom happy. The fact that someone depends on her, makes her happy. I'm not sure why but she's has always wanted more kids."

"Then why didn't she have more after having you?" I ask him confused.

I honestly feel bad for Pattie. She said Justin is her happiness and. . . I guess, I kinda hog him all the time. Maybe having a baby would help me connect with her. Maybe it isn't such a bad idea. But i still don't want to. Thinking about it makes my stomach hurt.

"She couldn't," he shrugs. "She tried and tried. . . she just couldn't."

I frown. "Well. . . your dad mentioned adoption, why not that?"

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