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As Changkyun was walking home, he couldn't help but let the doctors words linger in his mind.

"Daniel Im, you have stage 2 of Lung cancer."

How could he have gotten an illness like this? Then he remembered how his mom told him he had a grandma who died from lung cancer. He must've inherited it from her. It probably skipped a generation.

The doctor gave Changkyun a medicine for his illness. He just needed to take it three times a day after eating a full meal. But how could he if he doesn't even have the appetite to eat?

He has the medicine hidden somewhere in his bag. He can't let his hyungs find out. Either way they'd just think he's trying to gain attention.

He went to a ramen shop to at least eat something before drinking his medicine. He didn't really want to eat but he still did for the sake of the medicine.

After drinking his medicine, he left the ramen shop and headed back to the dorms.

He entered the dorm and saw his hyungs watching a movie. He quietly removed his shoes and headed for his room closing the door lightly.

He set his bag down and removed his cap, mask and jacket before climbing up to his bunk bed and laying down.

His mind is still full of worries. What will his family say? What will the company say? What will the members say? What will they say if they find out about his illness?

He kept on thinking about possible scenarios (which were all negative) that he didn't realise he fell asleep.


In the living room, the others is busy watching a movie. Reacting to the scenes that made them laugh, cringe, or irritated.

On the other hand, Minhyuk is unusually quiet. He still kept thinking about the blood he found on the floor after Changkyun left the bathroom.

The members noticed how quiet he was so they decided to ask him.

"Minhyuk-ah are you okay? You seem oddly quiet." Shownu asked

Minhyuk snapped out of his daydreaming state and looked at his hyung, "Yeah I'm fine hyung. Just thinking."

"Uh oh. Minhyuk's thinking. We're in trouble!" Wonho jokingly said which made everyone laugh

Minhyuk threw a throw pillow at his hyung which hit him square in the face. Wonho threw it back at him also hitting Minhyuk in the face. Everybody laughed at their cute arguement.

A few minutes later, Minhyuk stood up. He couldn't rest 'til he finds out what's wrong with their maknae. Well he's not called 'Search King' for nothing.

He went to their room and saw Changkyun fast asleep. He didn't know how to check the younger's body without waking him up.

He went near the foot of Changkyun's bed and tried peeking at his thighs since the younger's legs were spread out a little. He tried peeking at the other but saw no possible scars. He even lifted his shorts a little to be sure but there's none.

Minhyuk was confused. If Changkyun didn't cut, then why was there blood on the floor?

Minhyuk sat on his bed, still thinking deeply. Did his nose bleed? Did he cut his finger? If he did, then there would be a band-aid wrapped around his finger.

Minhyuk checked but there was none. Minhyuk sighed. Why is he suddenly worried for the maknae?

Probably because he never really hated him. He just didn't like the fact that he was added late on the show. He just didn't like that fact that maybe he was promised something.

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