All Time Low : Trevor Cash

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     You always loved waking up to the sight of Trevor beside you, eyes closed and lips parted slightly as he slept while his hair stuck out slightly in different directions. It was rare that Trevor woke up before you did, which was why you were caught by surprise that morning when you opened your eyes to find Trevor looking back at you, before a blush adorned his cheeks when he realised you were now conscious.

      "Good morning" You whispered as you stretched slightly, reaching for the spare earphone that Trevor wasn't listening to as the music filled your ears.

      "Morning" Trevor mumbled back as he kissed the top of your head gently, the sound of his morning voice making your heart flutter.

      "What's this song called?" You asked.

      "Good Times, it's a new All Time Low song from their album"

      "Never heard of them but this is a good song"

      "Hang on," Trevor chuckled slightly now as he sat up in the bed, dislodging you from the comfort of his shoulder, "We've been dating for a year and you don't know who All Time Low are?"

      "Should I?" You giggled slightly at the wide-eyed expression on his face.

      "Yes [Y/N]!" He exclaimed, "They're one of my favourite bands!"

      "Do you know my favourite band?" You challenged, smirking as he looked around the room sheepishly, "Touché, now show me this album, I liked that song"

      "You can't just start at the new album [Y/N]," Trevor chastised, "Pass my laptop off the floor I'll show you some of their best songs"

      You complied with his request, watching as he carefully scrolled through the seemingly endless music playlist he had before the sound of guitars began to fill your shared bedroom. It was an upbeat song and immediately brought a smile to your face.

      "Somewhere in Neverland" Trevor named the song as if he could read your mind

      "Wendy?" You giggled slightly, "So it's like Peter Pan? That's my favourite movie!"

      "I know," Trevor chuckled in response, "That's why I played it first"

      "Okay play me another" You demanded playfully.

      "You like them then?" Trevor asked after the two of you had spent almost an hour of your morning under the covers of your bed just listening to music, the quiet whispers of Trevor's voice singing along making the moment seem even softer than it already did.

      You only nodded to this and as a slower song began to play now, you closed your eyes again as you lay your head in Trevor's lap, humming slightly in contentment as he played with the ends of your hair.

      "Please don't go back to sleep" Trevor whined as he poked your cheek.

     "Can you learn this song?" You questioned.

      "Babe I can already play Therapy"

      "Do it, now, right now" You sat up quickly, almost hitting your head on Trevor's chin in the process.

      "Fine," Trevor sighed as he removed himself from the bed, heading towards the spare room across the hall which held all of his music stuff, "You're lucky I love you!" He called which only made you smile even more, he wasn't overly affectionate unless you two were alone which made it all the more special to you when he confessed things like that.

      "I caught a glimpse of myself in the hall mirror," Trevor started to speak again as he entered the room again, "And I look like a zombie" He chuckled as he tugged a beanie over his ears now.

      "You're a cute zombie though," You grinned, "I love when you wear beanies"

      "Well, are you ready?" He asked as he sat cross legged on your bed now, acoustic guitar across his lap as he strummed randomly, shaking his head slightly at the eager nods of your head.

      "My ship went down, in a sea of sound, when I woke up alone I had everything..." You watched as Trevor effortlessly transitioned between chords, this was one of your favourite things about him. He was so passionate about his music and he barely seemed to try, he was never more relaxed than with a guitar in his hands.

      You continued to listen as he played the song as you placed his computer in your lap now, putting into Google the name of the band you'd spent your morning discussing, wanting to see what they looked like.

      "Ooooooh hello there Alex," You giggled as you clicked on a picture which labelled each member, "Aren't you a looker?"

      "Hang on," Trevor quickly placed his guitar to the side and removed the laptop from your grip, "He's married"

      "He's hot though"

      "No more All Time Low for you" Trevor placed the device on the stand beside the bed as he lay beside you again, wrapping his arms around your waist as you both tangled your legs together again.

      "Why Trev?" You teased as you giggled against his chest, "You worried I'll run off and become Alex Gaskarth's groupie?"

      "Yes" Trevor stated as his lips began to form a pout.

      "Aw baby," You cooed as you pressed a quick kiss to his lips, "I could never"

      "Good," He grinned as he buried his head in the crook of your neck, "Because I love you too much"

      "I love you," You whispered again as you laced his fingers between yours, "Can we nap?"

      "I thought you'd never ask"


So I don't have much to say after this one aside from if there's anyone in particular you guys would want to see next just comment or leave me a message and I'll see what I can do!

Thanks for reading I really hope these are okay haha

Until next time x

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