Coffee Shop : George Smith

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     "Yes Molly," [Y/N] hummed into her phone as her friend continued to retell the story of how her new boyfriend had asked her out the night before, "That's so cute, I told you he liked you that much"

      [Y/N] entered what was now like her second home, the local coffee shop on the edge of her town. It had only opened three or four months ago but it had immediately captured her heart by the cozy and simplistic character of the shop, as well as the lovely staff who always asked about her day and basically knew her entire life story by now.

      "Okay Molly I love you but you can finish this later, I have to go right now" [Y/N] finally concluded the conversation as she slipped her phone into her pocket, grinning as the usual barista approached to serve her.

      "[Y/N]!" The girl who was called Laura exclaimed, "It's been a couple days! I was starting to think something had happened you!"

      "I've been away actually, my family went to London for the weekend" [Y/N] explained, smile still maintained on her face as she remembered the city she'd become so fond of inside a few days.

      "You'll have to tell me everything, I clock off in a half hour wanna wait?" She offered as she then began to make [Y/N]'s usual hot chocolate with the cream at the bottom. She didn't know why she always had it this way but she couldn't remember ever having it without, and she wasn't usually a fan of change.

      "I have loads of pictures I can show you too"

      "Yes!" The girl behind the till cheered, "London is so beautiful I swear"

      "That I can agree with," [Y/N] nodded, "Thanks for this, I'll be in my usual-" She started to walk away as she spoke before her body collided with another and her drink spilled almost entirely on the other person.

      "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" [Y/N] held a hand to her mouth now, eyes wide as they met a pair of crystal blue ones.

      "Well this just definitely is not my day" The boy laughed as he attempted to wring the liquid from his, previously white, tshirt which now currently left nothing to the imagination as it continued to soak in more of [Y/N]'s hot chocolate.

      "I'm- I didn't- I'm so sorry" [Y/N] stuttered as she spoke now, blushing furiously as the boy's defined stomach muscles became more noticeable. There was no denying this boy was hot and [Y/N] wasn't sure how to react to her current predicament.

      "It's fine," He laughed, "Can I use this as an excuse to clock off early?" He glanced at Laura now who sighed.

      "George you only started here today!" She argued, "I begged for this job for you and this is how you thank me"

      "You're the best cousin," He winked as she only walked away now, still clearly annoyed by the blonde boy's actions, "Now that she's gone, I think you should tell me your name" He smirked at [Y/N] now who still had a blush painted on her cheeks and hadn't remembered how to move her legs to leave the situation.

      "I don't know you, I mean you could be a serial killer"

      "I could be, but if you were that worried you wouldn't have stared so much would you?"

      "I'm [Y/N]"

      "George, are you single?"

      "Excuse me," [Y/N] choked slightly as she sipped on the little bit of hot chocolate that had remained in her cup, "Can you slow down? We just met!"

      "Would it make you feel better if I straight up asked you on a date then instead of trying to flirt with you?" He laughed now as [Y/N]'s eyes widened again, "C'mon babe or do you actually have a boyfriend? I think you owe me for ruining my shirt"

      "Are you always this straightforward?"

      "I like to call it knowing how to get what I want" He winked.

      "Will you wear a clean shirt on this date I might or might not be agreeing to?"

      "I can wear no shirt if you'd like that better"

      "Shirt is good," [Y/N] laughed now, "And yeah I suppose one date wouldn't kill me"

      "Cute how you think it'll be just one"


hiiiiii I haven't updated in forever oops but just comment who you might like to see next since I probably won't post again for a week now

Until next time x

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