02_ So much for a first meeting

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Dedicated to leesah45

Shirley Russell

"Am I too attractive Ginger?"

Those words really perplexed me. I looked up to see the owner of the voice.  I recognized him as one of the trios I had been seeing all day,  the one I guess is their leader.

"Excuse me?!" I replied while shooting him a quizzical look and cocking a brow.

"You just can't stop bumping into me or can you?" he said with a teasing look on his face. I refused to let that be a rhetorical question.

"It's not my fault you're a moving brick wall,"

"You're one feisty chic, ain't you?"

"Are you shittin_" I paused and looked up to find a way look on that gorgeous - I mean plain face. "Whatever," I added.

Trying to push unnecessary anger (I guessed), he continued, "I'm Kendall by the way, " he stretched out his hand for a handshake, "You're Shirley right?"

I eyed his hand slowly. There's no way I was returning his gesture. So he withdrew his hand.

"Yeah_ Wait! Are you stalking me?" The pitch of my voice was a bit higher.

"What, no! I_" His voice had a hint of annoyance.

"You know what," I sighed, "I've really got to go. "

And with that, before he could say anything else, I walked off. If I were to be a life emoji,  I guess 😡 would be me.

Funny how my act looked like payback for his walking out on me earlier. Halfway to the door, I swiveled my head to my back and noticed he was still gazing at me with those jet black eyes with silver specks in them and... Our eye contact was no more than a few seconds when I turned my head and quickened my pace a bit, making for the exit.

Kendall Fischer

Watching her walk away, I could feel my blood bubble through my veins. But for once a girl gets feisty on me and I don't feel like punching a wall,  reacting harshly or doing anything... stupid. But something about her just kinda made me wanna let go of my anger.

For a brief moment, I was torn between turning to search for Jayden and Kirsten and just staying lost in thought of the encounter I just had with Shirley and her extremely pretty self.

I was soon snapped out of my reverie by the sound of my name.

"Earth to Ken," It was Jayden's voice.

Jayden and I go a long way back. We have been friends since kindergarten. Since then, we have attended the same schools. It was sometime in 6th grade we met Kirsten and Jayden had liked her like forever... yada yada yada... Now they are one of the best love birds I know.

"Huh... Jay," I turned around to face him.

"Dude that must have been the zillionth time I called you. What's up?"

"Nothing," I said sighing. "I'm good," but it seemed like he wasn't buying that because he was giving me a look that said 'i-know-you-too-well-for-that'.

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