04_New Beginning...

39 6 10

Dedicated to ah_lhixx

~"No matter how the past, you can always begin again."~

Shirley Russell

I was so not happy that day. It was already Friday and I'm guessing most of you may be wondering why anyone won't be happy on the last day of school in the week.

Well the reason why I was despondent was because Kyle was going back to college that day. His school was an hour's drive or less from home and that meant he could drop by anytime but that didn't change the fact that he was miles away and I won't be seeing him everyday. It's not my fault I loved Kyle so much considering he's my only sibling and an amazing one at that, though he could be annoying at times.

"Come on now don't cry, you know I can always drop by from school whenever," Those words only made me want to cry.

"Hey, look at me," Kyle said shaking me slightly by my shoulders just as my vision was getting blurry with tears.

I looked up to meet his eyes that held nothing but care.

"I want you to remember something... No matter how hard the past you can always begin again."

I stifled a chuckle while wiping away my tears, "Did you just quote 'A Thousand Words'?"

He rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips, "Just be good and take care of yourself alright,"

I nodded my head just as he pulled me for a hug.

"And before I forget," he added pulling away, "I got you a little something," he added, pulling me to the garage.

What I saw nearly sucked life out of me. "You got me a freaking convertible," I said. It was midnight blue, my favorite color.

"Uh, I got a little help for dad. Thought you might like it after, you know, what happened with your other car." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Are you kidding?! I freaking love it!" I said after going for another hug.

"Love you too baby sis," he said.

"I didn't say 'you', I said 'it'," I replied. He rolled his eyes at my remark and muttered something under his breath. I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. But anyways, I wasn't gonna drive it until Monday.

Trash what I said earlier, my day had just begun.

I left for school after bidding Kyle goodbye but not without my eyes leaking. I could still feel his warm hug. But he was sure not to leave me without some pep talks. In my time of total breakdown, Kyle played a major role in my recovery with those same talks. Well after all, it had always been his dream to study psychology and now he was living it.


There was ten minutes more before the bell would go off for first period. So I was just leaning lazily on my locker, busy with the bar of kinders in my hand.

Just as I tossed the wrap away and returned to my position by my locker, I noticed three figures from the corner of my eye coming my way.

I leaned up on my locker just as Kendall stopped in front of me.
We haven't actually spoken since Tuesday, but we've stolen glances.

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