05_ Pizza Weekend

36 8 16

Dedicated to bookwormSarah

Shirley Russell

"Hey wake-up,"

Huh! Since when did dogs begin to talk? "You can talk," I replied the creature before me.

"Of course I can talk. What do I look like to you, a dog?"

"Actually... you're a dog,"

"OK snap out of your z's," the dog replied fading away just as morning rays hit my eyelids.

I fluttered my eyelids open and came face to face with my dad.

"Oh my G...." I said flushing bright red.

"Morning to you too," my dad said chuckling. "Get your lazy self downstairs, you have a visitor."

VISITOR! Who the hell would be interrupting my wonderful 'lazy Saturday'?

I wasn't like most girls who had problems with bed hair, so I went downstairs still in my tank top and sweats eager to know who my visitor could be.

"Hey," the voice of the person who stood in front of me by the door chirped and pulled me into an unexpected hug.

"Too ti-i-ght..." my voice sounded muffled.

"Oh sorry," she said. I rubbed my eyes and saw Kirsten right in front of me.

"Kirst!" I chirped, "Come on in,"

We both walked into the kitchen where I began searching for what to eat.

"In case you're wondering why I'm here, I just decided to stop by so the both of us could go to the Pizza Hut together."

"Uh Huh," I said grabbing my favorite cereal, honey loops, "How did you get my address anyways," I asked.

"Oh Kendall gave it to me," I choked.

"KENDALL?!" I sort of yelled.

"Yeah," she replied looking at me amused.

Just then my phone started ringing. Kirsten stretched to look at the screen of the phone which was between us on the table then smiled while wiggling her brows.

"You saved Kendall's contact as hot badass?"

My face seemed to have lost all color.
"Of course I didn't,". She gave me a nodding reply like she believed me.

I picked the call up.

"What do you want you ass?"

"Good morning to you too,"

"Seriously, I was in the middle of something,"

"What? Playing sleep hockey?"

"No dumbass. I was having and I am still having a wonderful breakfast,"

"You're still feisty in the morning huh?"

I could feel the smirk in his voice. Before I could say anything, he continued.

"OK eat all you want but leave space for some pizza," Is he serious? I've always got space for more and pizza was not an exception.

"Yeah yeah,"

"How did you get my address anyways?"

"Uh there's a thing called the internet," he said in a 'duh' tone. He really went through that stress to know where I live! Not like I would have told him anyways. He was definitely a stalker.

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