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Chapter 4: Dance Fever.


"Dad, I walked way over here for you to tell me this." I roughly said.

My dad grabbed his briefcase and said, "Yes I did. You need to know that I will not let you miss practice for some Chess Club."

"Well, too late Dad I'm going, I don't know who you have spying on me. But you can tell them fuck off," I replied.

I walked out of the office and went outside. My dad said, "stop with all the dramatics. If I call your Coach and you wasn't there you can forget about coming to Tall Oaks Next Year."

I turned and faced my dad and he went into the parking lot, and went to his Audi. I was literally waiting in my Combat boots for him to offer me a ride. Nothing. He cranked up his car and pulled off. I rolled my eyes and ran my hands through my hair. I screamed loud and started my walk back to Epsilon House. It was windy and very dark. If this was a scary movie I was dead, especially being black. I zipped up my Ralph Lauren jacket and walked up the sidewalk. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and turned around. It was a dark figure in the back of me. I was not stupid enough to stop walking. I sped up and when I turned around a figure stood in front of me. I checked my backpocket and my pocket knife was gone. I turned to run but I was tripped, tied up, and tape on my mouth.A black bag was placed over his head. I was the next murder on this campus. This is all my stupid father's fault.

I was lifted up and I heard several voices mumbling a chant, "uh-whimaway, uh-whimaway, "

I was scared shitless. I was about to cry. I closed my eyes and just prayed to be safe. I heard a door slam and I was put down. they took the bag off and the man spoke,

"Welcome to Eta Keta. You have been chosen to join our need Club. We want you ZEKE. You have 24 hours to leave your answer in the Janitor closet on the fifth floor of math building."

Quickly I felt a jab and I slowly fell and hit the floor.



"Down slowly. That's it."

Austin and I placed his new bed and bedrail down, in place.

He grabbed his covers and put them on.

"You have any more classes today?" He asked.

"Nope. Why wassup?" I ASKED back.

Austin replied, "well for all that accusing shit I did yesterday I wanna make it up to you, so let's go bowling on Campus." I felt really bad for doing this to him. Its really fucked up.

I playfully said, "aww honey you shouldn't have. Our second date."

Austin laughed and threw his pillow at me. I picked up mind and ran and attacked him. He quickly picked me up and charged for my bed. I landed on my back and we went to tusseling. We was laughing and play fighting. He was a Tad bit stronger. He grabbed my arms and pinned them down.

"Pinned Ya." He said.

I looked into those eyes and got lost in those Grey gem stones. We went silent and he stared at me.

I whispered, "is there something on my face."

He leaned down closer said, "Yea my lips."

He licked his lips before slowly leaning down and kissed my lips. We started making out. I can't believe I'M kissing a male. However, his lips was so soft and felt so right. I wrapped my legs around his waist and grabbed his chin.

"Mr. BAKER." I heard someone shout.

I jumped up from my desk and my American History teacher said, "Detention next monday."

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