Prologue (Book3)

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Authors Note: Changed my mind it will be posted here and Ill update the book cover.

Prologue: Students of Tall Oaks Academy.

Denver G. Coleman Prison.

Richie took a seat in the visiting chair and a man sat across from him. They smirked at one another and grabbed the phone.

"What do you want Erixs Albe?" Richie asked.

"To finish what you started." Erixs told him.

"What do you mean finish what I started?" Richie asked him.

"With those sons of bitch ass boys at Tall Oaks. I have been in contact with so many people on the internet that is admired by you and what you did. You have a following." Erics said smiling at him.

Richie smirked, "I know I have been in contact with them thru letters and some seem more dedicated to my cause than you would have ever been" Richi swiftly launched over the table on top of Erixs as the guards rushed over. And as they pulled him up Erixs body was stabbed up and his neck was split. Richie laughed all crazy-like as they went on code red as the guards threw handcuffs on him.


"Rosemary, this place seemed revamped. I have to be honest I wasnt sure about allowing you to go here. Especially, after the pyscho nurse and son reak havoc on this place and terrorized and killed those students just last spring." My mom whispered to me as I exhaled, "Mom, I told you Dean Crow has really worked all summer to turn this place around. You saw her strives and heard her speeches at Orientation last week. She meant every word. She isnt hiding what happened. Instead she is making it the selling point of how better it is."

"Rosemary I know and the new programs and teachers are the only reason you are here. I know how bad you want to excel in the medical field and this medical program here seems able enough to put you on the right path." My mom stated as I seen tears swelling in her eyes. I had never spent so much as a weekend away from her, when we got the grant for me to go here in the mail it was next level. With all the tragedies that happened here they was literally throwing grants out to unfortunate students to attend to shape this place differently than some place for rich spoiled brats...look how well that went.

We stared out of my dorm window and watched as many kids was hugging their parents goodbye, unpacking, walking, smiling and laughing. Dean Crow promised diversity and top notch security at this place and thats all ive seen honestly.

"Rosemary, walk me down. I want to hit the road before the sun goes down. Your brother will kill me if I aint home to wake him for his first day tomorrow." She told her oldest daughter before hugging her again.

Dean Crow opened her office door as she seen an old bald white guy sitting in one of the chairs across from her wooden desk. She walked around as she took off her brown coat.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I was at a meeting with the science department. What can I do for you Misterrrr" She stated as she moved her red hair behind her ear.

"Mister DoLittle. I am Campus and Staff Lawyer hired by the board of Tall Oaks. I am the one handling all legal problems beyond the gate and ethical problems from within. I wanted to just have a quick meeting before the semester begins. How are the numbers?" He asked her.

"We are in the green, barely. The board knew that allowing 100 kids off scholarships would hinder profit, but we had a 76% return from past students at West Oaks and Tall Oaks so combining the two schools was a great idea." She said smiling at him as he licked his chapped lips.

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