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Ludwig adored his soulmate. Although they had never met, Ludwig felt that he had got to know his soulmate well enough through his art. Often he would sit bored in class and gaze at his forearms as lines of ink drawings and beautiful swirly patterns appeared. Ludwig and his soulmate went to different primary schools but quite often he would use the ink link to talk to his soulmate during class. It started off with:

'What's your name?' written in Ludwig's small block print.

To which the reply came:


'Hello Ludwig x'

'I love your drawings. I think they're beautiful'

'Thank you! :D'



'What do you look like?'

And so Feliciano drew a little self portait on the back of his hand. Ludwig smiled.

'Can you draw me a picture of you?'

Ludwig's picture wasn't nearly as good as Feliciano's, but it was sufficient enough for him to get the general gist.

They constantly conversed in this way in their childhood to the point where all their visible skin was covered in writing and they had to wash it off and start again. Talking to him had become a bit of an obsession for Ludwig, and he slowly fell in love with this stranger called Feliciano.

Starting highschool worried Ludwig immensely. Feliciano would be going to a new school at the same time he was. Feli would make new friends, maybe even find a partner...
Ludwig felt anger and jealousy boil inside him at the mere thought. He had to accept the fact that Feliciano would be very busy and may not have time for him.

In his first class at his new school, Ludwig spent the entire time doodling on his arm, writing messages to Feliciano.

'Hey, Feli.'

'Are you there?'

' ??? '

'Please don't forget me...'

'Feli? Why aren't you replying?'

Feliciano smirked.
'I'm distracted by this super hot guy sitting infront of me. I saw him when he walked into the lesson and he sat right infront of me! I'm in love! ♡'

Ludwig's heart shattered. He knew this would come. Sure, they were soulmates but sometimes soulmates end up marrying other people and some never even find each other.
'Who is it?' He asked politely.

'Turn around, dummy!'

Ludwig sighed and did as he was told, turning round in his chair. When he saw who was sat behind him, he was stunned into silence. He instantly recognised Feliciano from the portraits he drew.

Feliciano smiled broadly and Ludwig felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. He glanced down to see his own handwriting inked up and down Feliciano's skin and he smiled.
"Oh my God!"

The bell rang signaling the end of the lesson and Ludwig shot out his chair to hug Feliciano. He held him close, not wanting to ever let go.
"I love you," he said quietly with a blush. Feliciano giggled.
"I love you too."

Ink- Hetalia Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now