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"You forgot your piano book again, Antonio?" The music teacher sighed.
"Yeah, sorry. I lost it." He lied. Antonio hated playing the piano. He already knew how to play the guitar and he was brilliant at it. He adored the guitar but his parents forced him to learn the piano too because that was the instrument they played. Antonio often 'forgot' his piano book so he wouldn't have to practice at home. It also didn't help that he had to have his lessons in school.

"Well I'd like you to learn this over the weekend." The teacher pointed at a difficult piece of music for Antonio to learn. "But since you lost your book I suppose you'll have to just copy it down somewhere." She sighed.

Antonio reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen, but he didn't have any paper. He went to draw it on his arm but decided against it. He didn't really want it where people would see it so instead he pulled up his trouser leg, drew the stave onto his shin and copied the notes onto it.

"See you next week." Antonio said with a false smile, and left.

In Physics, Antonio sat bored to death at his desk, wondering if the reactant force from the ground if he jumped out the window would be enough to kill him. He started drumming his fingers on the desk in a catchy rhythm. He started to hum quietly with it, creating his own tune. He rather liked it.

Antonio discreetly rolled up his trouser leg and scribbled over the stupid, tedious piece his piano teacher had given him. He wrote out the piece of music he made up instead. That would be a lot more fun to practice.


Lovino sighed and kicked the door shut behind him. He dumped his bag in the hallway.
"Fratello, I'm home!" He called.
"Hiya!" Feliciano called back from the lounge. He was sat on the sofa hunched over with a pen.
"What are you doing?" Lovino asked curiously.
Feliciano giggled.
"Talking to Ludwig."
Lovino frowned.
"My soulmate. He's in most of my classes at school. We've been talking since we were little." He smiled and continued writing and doodling on his arm.
Lovino raised an eyebrow.
"Whatever. I'm taking a shower."

Lovino pretended he didn't care, but inside he was green with envy. He imagined his own soulmate: a beautiful Italian woman who would play music with him and dance with him. Only problem was that Lovino's soulmate never wrote on his skin. No tattoos, no doodles, no writing. It was as if he didn't have a soulmate at all.

Lovino headed upstairs into the bathroom and took off his hideous school uniform and underwear, discarding them carelessly on the floor.
Arms wrapped around himself, he got into the shower and turned on the tap, quickly jumping away from the cold water. As the water warmed up and he stepped into it, he noticed some sort of black stain on his shin.

Lovino bent down to take a closer look. There was a huge patch of black scribble with some sheet music written next to it. He grinned excitedly and turned off the shower. He grabbed a towel and ran into his bedroom, drying himself as quickly as possible. Then he grabbed his violin and copied the music onto a sheet of paper before clipping it onto his music stand.

Lovino imagined himself playing this piece for his soulmate. He imagined her writing this piece (no idea why she wrote it on her leg) and him playing it to her. He wanted to know who it was so badly. So he spent hours practicing until even Feliciano, who usually could listen to Lovino play for ages, asked him to stop because he needed to sleep.

The next day, Lovino spent every waking hour obsessing over that one beautiful piece of music his soulmate wrote for him. He practiced and practiced; he even spent his lunch and breaktime at school in the music room playing the piece over and over again. He had to play it perfectly.


Antonio worked hard on his piece- he even created a guitar backing for it. Which is why he was so surprised to hear the melody he created ringing from the music room as he walked past it at lunch with Gilbert and Francis. He stopped in his tracks to listen, surprised by how imcredibly beautiful the music sounded on a violin.
"Toni, are you okay?" Francis asked, regarding his friend's face with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Antonio replied, his eyes fixed on the music room door. "Go on without me."

Antonio let Francis and Gil go on without him and slowly pushed open the music room door. There was a boy stood with his back to Antonio playing the violin beautifully; Antonio's song. Lovino heard the door close behind Antonio and stopped playing abruptly, with a rough squeak. He turned around and quickly put his violin down.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, bastard? Can't you see I'm trying to play?"

It dawned on Antonio that this angry little Italian must be his soulmate, but the boy clearly didn't know Antonio was his.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Why the hell should I tell you?"
Antonio smiled.
"Because you're playing my song."

Lovino's heart skipped a beat. If he wrote the song then that means they're... soulmates? How could this strange boy with a spanish accent possibly be his soulmate? Picturing his soulmate, he never imagined a boy. Although, come to think of it...

Lovino blushed and tried to contain a smile.
"Antonio." He replied, getting his guitar out of his case and sitting down.
"What are you doing?" Lovino asked.
"Just play." Antonio said with a smile.

He began to strum the backing tune he created for his piece, and Lovino smiled softly as he bowed the melody on his violin. Lovino always loved to play- it was addictive. He adored his violin and playing was how he expressed himself, but this was something different. Playing with Antonio felt so harmoneously perfect he never wanted it to end, but of course every piece of music ends and eventually Lovino had to stop playing.

As soon as the song was done, Antonio put down his guitar, walked confidently up to Lovino and kissed him. Lovino was startled for a second, but dropped his violin and bow and wrapped his arms around Antonio, kissing back.
"Sorry." Antonio said shyly after breaking off the kiss.
"Don't be sorry." Lovino said, "Just warn me next time so I don't drop my violin." He laughed softly.

"Your playing was beautiful." Lovino said quietly.
"You are beautiful." Antonio replied.
And again, they kissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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