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Mattieu looked at himself in the mirror and shook his head. He hated his reflection.
He had blonde hair that was light, soft, and wavy; paper white skin; an innocent looking face; and a small, feminine body. None of that bothered him- he rather liked his sweet appearance. It suited him.

The only things he didn't like were the tattoos.
They weren't his, of course. Whoever his soulmate was had gotten countless tattoos over the years. These consisted mostly of little eagles and German words that Mattieu didn't know the meaning of. He also had a punk style choker tattoo around his neck and a giant Prussian eagle on his back whose wingspan stretched from one shoulder to the other. There was a rather questionable tattoo of the Hungarian flag on his left buttock, too.

The tattoos didn't suit him at all. They looked so out of place on his fair skin.
As a result of this, he always tried to cover himself up, even when it was hot like today.

Mattieu put on a pair of baggy jeans and a Canadian flag turtleneck. That way all his soulmate's tattoos would be covered.
As he ventured outside into the warm summer sun, he felt like he was going to roast alive.
Why did his stupid soulmate have to be so inconsiderate?
He trudged down the road to the local coffee shop, relieved to finally be in a building with air conditioning. Luckily, there was no queue. Obviously he was the only one crazy enough to be drinking hot drinks on such a warm day.
"Regular cappucino, please?"
The barista nodded and touched something on the screen infront of her.
"Is that all?"
Mattieu nodded and the woman smiled. He payed for his coffee, collected it, and went to sit down at a table.

He usually came to this quiet coffee shop for a bit of peace, but today the peace had been shattered by a rather rumbustious man in a leather jacket. He was an extremely pale skinned man- probably even paler than Mattieu- with white hair and striking red eyes. The noisy albino had about him such a roistering manner that he acted more like a child than an adult. Mattieu found it fascinating.

The man was talking on the phone to someone and when he noticed Mattieu staring, he turned to see, and Mattieu quickly averted his gaze.
The albino shook his head dismissively and continued to talk on the phone. He took his leather jacket off and slung it across the table in front of him.

That's when Mattieu noticed it- the tattoos.
The albino had the same choker tattoo as Mattieu and identical art on his arms too. He also had the visible tips of an eagle's wings wrapping round his shoulders. The tattoos that Mattieu hated on himself looked so good on this albino man, so fitting, that he actually rather liked them. They suited the stranger.

When it finally sunk in that Mattieu had found his soulmate, he decided to try and get his attention. He considered going up and introducing himself... no, he was too shy. He'd stumble on his words and make a fool out of himself infront of his extremely 'cool' seeming soulmate. He'd just have to wait for the man to notice him. Mattieu rolled up his sleeves and turned down the collar of his turtleneck, hoping the albino would notice his tattoos. He didn't.

Mattieu reached the bottom of his cup but decided he didn't want to give up yet so he ordered another coffee and sat back down at his table. He would get noticed any minute now, he was sure of it. He waited.

When the man ended his phonecall, he got up to leave. Mattieu panicked. He sprung forward infront of the man, blocking his path.
"Hey, what the hell?"
Mattieu said nothing. He just looked into the albino's eyes.
Come on, see it. Figure it out.

The man caught sight of Mattieu's neck tattoo and froze.
"Is that..."
He reached out and gently pulled the collar of his jumper down further, stunned to see his own tattoo slapped onto the skin of another man. He glanced down at Mattieu's arms, eyes wide like an owl's. Mattieu's heart pounded. What if he didn't like him?

Gilbert felt a sudden pang of guilt. This man was so innocent and pure and his beautiful skin had been vandalised with all of Gilbert's obnoxious tattoos. He didn't expect his soulmate to be so angelic. He decided to play it cool. Copy Francis.
"Gilbert Beilschmidt."
He flashed the man a bright smile.
"Mattieu Williams." Mattieu spoke quietly.
"That's beautiful! Well, I guess I'll see you round, Mattie." He winked and slung his leather jacket over his shoulder with a mischeivous smirk, trying to look cool. His plan failed however, when he tripped on his way out of the café, tumbled down the front steps, and landed on his face.

Mattieu laughed as he watched Gilbert out the window stand up and try to regain his dignity. The albino disappeared out of sight and a few seconds later, new ink appeared on the back of Mattieu's hand. It was a mobile telephone number, and underneath it read:
'Gil x'

Mattieu couldn't help but smile at Gilbert signing his name with a kiss as he got out his phone and saved the number into his phone as 'Gil x'.
A few seconds later, a frankly appaling doodle of a bird appeared on Mattieu's hand.
How sweet.

Of course what Mattieu wasn't aware of was the new ink that appeared as he walked out of the café. It was a huge:
written across his forehead next to a cartoon style drawing of a penis.

Mattieu smiled on obliviously.
What a sweet man.

Ink- Hetalia Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now