(chapter 2) Oh god this happened..

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As Lola and I start to walk to Coach Pams office I heard footsteps running up behind me and Lola and as me Lola turned around it was Cole here to save the day. He looked out of breathe "coach *pants* there's a fight in the front with the football team and the soccer team  he looked at me and Lola and winks at us . "Ugh why is it every morning they always have to fight alright brooks , lazuli your off the hook for now but no running around in the halls ." Coach Pam started to run to the front of the school and as she left I turned around to Cole "thanks Cole". I started to blush and Lola looked at me and Cole and she New it was time for her to leave "well thanks Cole ,Alli  I'll see you in class ok ."

I looked at Lola and mouthing the word thank you as soon Lola left Cole started to blush "So Alli what are you doing on Friday night " "oh nothing just-ahh!" I fell down on my knees and I realized My ankle was bleeding badly "Alli are you ok ?!" I started to look at Cole his hands where shaking and  his eyes were turning red like hell fire like the boy in my dream "Cole are you ok." "Y-yeah I'm good l-let's get you to the nurse ." He started to pick me up in bridal style I couldn't walk my ankle looked swollen badly I kept staring at Coles eyes wondering what happened.

 As soon as we got to the nurses office no one was in the there so Cole sat me down on one of the beds "I'll find some bandages ." I nodded I was still very confused what was happening so I started to plug in my earphones and started listening to "That's What I Like "from bruno mars its my favorite song .I saw Cole walk up to the bed with the bandages " Oh you found the bandages?" "Yeah ." Cole started to took off my shoe I started to blush bright red "this is going to hurt hold on to my shoulder if it hurts badly ok" "o-ok."

 As soon Cole starts to spray my  ankle withI wanted to scream badly I grabbed Coles shirt tightly "You ok Allie " I Quickly nodded my head. Cole carefully started to rap my ankle until the nurse walked in the room " Mr.jenson, Ms.brooks  what are you two doing in here." Cole quickly stand up and explained to the nurse what happen the nurse told Cole to go to class while I'll stay in the nurses office. " thanks Cole for what you did I'll talk to you later k."The nurse told me to lay down and rest but all I could do was think about Coles eyes.....

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