Chapter 1 - All Well that Ends Well

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Lance wonders what class she is. She can't even tell what she even wore biased on what her class is. When she checked herself (Don't ask) in the mirror she just deadpanned on the spot. Just white. With silver also but that's the armour pads on her elbows and shoulders. The itchy circular cape cover most of the top half of her body but the rest was just bland for her taste.

'Well jee. Worrying about my lack of coloured clothing. What is wrong is me?'

The next day passed quickly and by the time she headed out the door Saber was nowhere to be seen. The tavern was just plain quiet only with the inn keeper and several bar maids and men. Rumors started to spread that the mercenary Saber went to finally do a job with a priestess to go to a 'Temple'.

Lance realized how quickly time passes by just one night. She wanted to get off this island but cutting her slack by staying away from any plot fated characters it seems her joke about the Gods trying to whip up something is true after all.

She got to the wharf just in time before it left and boarded the ship not paying attention to the other passengers.

"May I ask why a youngster like you is here?" An old timer asked her, pointing his cane at her.

"Me? Oh, I..." Think! THINK! "Have to pay my respects to the Zofian knights. They rescued someone dear to me long ago so it'd be fine to thank them." Lance lied through her teeth. It was just an old man. Any old guy would accept a lie like any truth you say.

The old timer nodded and murmured a few things before walking away.

She sighed in relief looking over the edge of the boat. Just a day in the new world. It was time to get use to anyway. Plus, it was hard for her to realize that this world- this reality isn't a game anymore (though it still can be a dream to mess around with. But she knows the consequences of changing up a fictional plot/future), this world is literally her life now. Dragons, zombies, pirates and many more were here. The thought of those things made her shiver a bit. She needed to know how to fight. But how? All she has is a sword, and a not very good one at least.

"AGHH!" The masked girl in the cape froze. Blood slowly draining from her now very pale face. If you could see behind her mask her right eye was twitching as if someone was laughing at her. The shriek of a woman made her heart freeze and head spinning in panic. Don't tell her...



She whipped around when she heard a clatter against the wooden planks. The same old man from earlier dropped her cane from his trembling hands as one of the brigands came near him.

"Yar! Not a step further, ye scurvy dogs!" He stepped up with his axe held high ready to strike anyone from came closer. She swallowed, her hand reaching towards the sword hidden in her cape.

"Eagh! P-p-pirates!" Exclaimed the fallen old timer. Lance suddenly felt bad for him.

The pirate smirked, lifting the axe up on his shoulder. "There waters belong to Barth, the Pirate King," 'You sure about that? I've never heard of him after I defeated him.' "As yer surely aware!"

"That means ye needs pay a toll..." Her right hand was ready to wretch the sword as it grabbed onto the hilt. "All yer goods and women'll do nicely!" She pulled out the iron sword slowly and unsheathed it showing the reflection of the sun gleaming upon it.

Celica's eyes hardened at the pirate. "An interesting offer... but I fear we must nevertheless decline. The sea belongs to no one man - she's a gift to every citizen of Zofia." Lance moved up to the front of the boat to get a better view of the brigands that invaded the ship forgetting her objective to why she was on the ship, sword ready to strike. 'I hope I don't mess this up.' She'd never held a sword in her life. The iron sword was a bit weighted in her hands though it didn't matter.

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