Chapter 2 - Pilgrimage (P1)

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Lance expected a sense of distrust when Celica offered to join them and accepted.

She was welcomed quite nicely with a small shy wave by Genny (Oh boy, can she relate to her in several ways). Boey and Mae didn't quite trust her yet but accepted the fact they've recruited a new ally to their company. Lance would've felt the same way if she was in a group like that. If her friend, the leader of her 'former' group, brought in a friendly newcomer to their inner circle she wouldn't have had trusted them but accepted them with no complaint.

When the battle with the brigands and pirates were over the rest of them went to rest until another raid came by. Lance was in a small room on the ship that seemed to tilt due to the movement of the waves pushing against the ship. Her stomach twisted into a knot. She cursed. Motion sickness was her worst weakness. She despised it.

Lance moaned in pain and turned a little pale green as her headache increased on the throbbing excruciating pain. Her back was hunched over, almost ready to vomit her stomach contents. Not that she had any in there at the moment.

Right now Lance needed to think. It was the perfect time to gather some thoughts on what had happened before. A small summary of what happened.

'I woke up in the sea of Zofia with an alternated appearance and wore a mask for some reason. Washed up on the shore of the island of Novis, specifically the Great Port. Met a nice villager, went to the tavern, went to board the ship in the morning tried to fight some pirates and met Celica and joined her. Not some bad fanfic at all.'

Lance choked on her spit, contents going up her throat. Not this again...


It took time to recover from her cursed motion sickness but it did make her feel better when she took a short nap. She then woke up with a hangover but at least it wasn't worse then being sick.

Lance put on her mask and dusted her cape (which she grew accustomed to and liked very much) and went out of the small room to the deck of the ship.

Seagulls flew above her head in the blue sky. Few white clouds were scattered among the blue roof and the sun shined upon the waves. Footsteps against the groaning wood made her ears perk up and she turned her head to the owner. Ah, it was Celica.

"Good morning, Lance. Did you sleep well?" Celica asked her. Lance stared incredulously at the priestess. It was morning already? She pushed the thought away and nodded.

"Yes. I have."


Lance knew little information on Celica. From only playing Fire Emblem Awakening to Echoes, she knew this particular person is a Princess of Zofian Royalty (Future Queen of Valentia) and one of the Children of Fate. She may be cold and stotic but Lance guessed it may be because of her royal status or that the traumatic events that have happened years ago. But she knew Celica cared deeply for her friends and allies, whether they be stranger or friend with no bad intention.

"Oh, um." A more softer voice interrupted her thoughts and Lance fully turned around to see Genny. "Thank you for saving me back there." She managed to mumble out quietly but Lance heard it carefully under all the calls of the seagulls.

"...No problem. I can't stand watching someone getting hurt, even by a mere pirate like that." She said, remembering when she blocked the attack from the pirate and getting hit instead. "Just make sure you're in a safe distance away from the fighting but stay somewhere where you can both heal and fire your magic."

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