Ignored (5)

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After a very very long hug I allowed him to come inside. I told him to make himself at home well I went off to school. Today felt like the happiest day of my life. Even though so many people hated me I was still filled with this great sense of determination. I didn't care about how much people hated me I was just in too much of a good mood. Nothing was gonna ruin it and I mean nothing. I got out the door closing it behind me and began to walk to school. People still eyed me on my way there but It didn't bug me as much right now. Even though I knew I was going to a place where no one cared about me I still was in a good mood to go. I walked up to the school and I could feel the wind blow against my hair. It was only 7:00 so I was an hour early for school. I guess I should have checked the time before I ran out. I walked up to the doors and looked inside. All the lights were off but I could see something moving in the dark. I felt a shiver go down my spin and I was a little curious now.

"What did I see?" I thought to myself.

I looked at the doors and checked to see if it was open, it was. I cracked it open a little and it made an echo that went throughout the school. Well looks like I blew my cover there's no point in staying silent. I wasn't sure how much longer I wanted to stay in the school right now but I decided to move forward.

"Hello?" I yelled.

The room stayed silent for a little until I heard a something run across the hall. I jumped up and ended up banging into something. My shoulder felt a little stiff now I must have hit a locker or something. I decided I wasn't going to turn back now since I was already inside. I walked around the school for a little I wished it could have been less dark I couldn't see all to well. As I waked deeper into the hall ways I finally noticed a light flicker on. It was the principals office. I peeked in the window and heard.

"You may leave for now but I want to talk with your again sometime this month, understand?" A voice said.

"Yes, understood." A second voice replied. I heard a door swing open inside the office and I got a little glimpse at who it was.It was a someone wearing a red hood and a black pair of jeans.

"I wonder what he is up to in there?" I thought to myself.

I saw the person start to walk to the door and I flinched back. I slowly backed away trying to feel anything that I could hide behind. Eventually I found an open locker and hid in it just in time. The door swung open and they walked out. I knew it was a him now because the only thing that lit up this hall was the office lights. I watched as he walked out and to the door. Reaching the doors I heard them up then shut. I decided to wait about 10 minutes I didn't want to walk out and have him spot me.

{Time Skip}
Finally I took my chance and walked out the school doors. It was around 7:15 now. Still had lots of time left for school. I went to find a tree to sit in because him catching me around the school right now wouldn't turn out to great. I jumped up a few branches and got comfy on a branch. Oh ya did I forget to mention today was the last day of school. I really hoped this would be the best last day I ever had.

{Time Skip}
Finally the bell rang I hoped off my tree and walked into the school. As I walked down the halls no one stared at me today. They all just seemed to ignore me. When I walked into my home room the teacher started taking attendance. She went down and eventually called the last name but strange she forgot about me.

"Um excuse me you forgot to say my name." I said.

But she didn't answer back she just went on with teaching.

"What the hell." I thought to myself.

She literally just ignored me.

"Well could it be I'm dead? Or maybe I'm not in my world??" I questioned myself.

I tried putting up my hand when she asked questions but I was still ignored. This is getting annoying now.

"Hello? What am I just dead to all of you?" I shouted.

Still silence she never stopped her lesson not for a second.

"Well I guess you don't care if I burn down the school? Or wait if I still all the records?" I yelled.

She just went on with her lesson not even paying attention to me. I was really pissed now I guess there is a way to ruin my day. I stood up from my seat and went to the teachers desk.

"Aye do you... I don't know, mind not ignoring me." I asked.

She went on with her lesson once again I could feel the anger boiling up in me. I slapped the teacher across the face and she screamed. I ran out the class and I could feel everyone's cold gaze on me. I slammed the school doors open and sprinted home. I opened my door and caught my breathing. I called out to my dad but no one answered. I ran around the house looking for him, my heart beating faster and faster. Eventually I reached the kitchen I looked at the table and noticed a note. The note read.

Dear Aphmau,
I've decided to go look for a new job today and I have found one. I will moving to a town called "Falcon Claw" I'm giving you the chance to move there with me so if you would like to join me find this address, 34 Irene lane. Sorry that I couldn't tell you myself I just had to take the house as quick as I could. Anyways see you soon if you don't come by tomorrow my offer is gone but I will still come and visit you.

Love Dad

I put the note down and knew what I was going to do.

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