The Key (21)

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I felt my arm being grabbed. I tried to push away but someone put their hand over my mouth. I kept trying to scream and fight but it wouldn't work. I felt myself being dragged away. I felt the cold breeze of the wind against my face. I knew we were on the window now. I felt the persons grip get tighter and I yelped in pain. They picked me up and I looked up a bit. I could see a tall slender figure holding me, but it wasn't Aaron. I looked down at the ground and noticed it was far down.

"Ops.." I heard someone say.

I screamed as I felt gravity pulling me down to the ground. No way this person just dropped me from the window. I scream in pain as I hit the ground. Although I was dead I still felt pain. But the worse part about it was no matter how much we were hurt we would still live. I felt my back crack and I looked up. The figure from the window dropped down to the ground and picked me up. I saw them pull something out of there pocket and I saw there eyes get bigger and brighter.

"Say Ah sweety."

He shoved something down my throat and I coughed on it eventually swallowing. I felt my body weaken and I couldn't fight back. I felt him jump back into the air and I looked back and watched Aaron jump onto the window. His red eyes shun like jewels in the night.


After an hour of being weak I finally felt my body awaken. I slowly opened my eyes and gasped in pain. I looked around and noticed I was in a room. It was all white and shiny. I slowly got up but fell down onto the floor in pain. The sound echoed throughout the place and I heard foot steps headed my way. Shit they are gonna see me on the floor. I tried to get up and just as I was the door slammed open. In front of me stood a boy. He had white hair and green emerald eyes.

"Hi.." I mumbled.

"Well hello." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself up.

"Welcome beautiful." He said politely.

"What are you? One of those play boys." I laughed.

"Oh I'm more than that." He replied.


I rolled my eyes again and looked around the room. Where was I.

"Where am I?" I questioned him.

I saw him take a deep breath and he smiled.

"You are in the kingdom of Irene. I brought you here to ask you for a favour." He spoke.

"A favour?"

"Yes a favour.!"

"What kind of favour?" I questioned.

"Also why did you have to kidnap me for a favour!" I yelled.

"Well heres the thing if we didn't kidnap you we would have had no chance in asking you. Cause of that scary demon bitch frined of yours." He replied.

"So basically what we need you to do is get something out of a river that only Hybrids can get it." He spoke.

"What is it you need me to get."

"Its a small key it leads to a portal. This portal once open could help the whole universe." He responded.

"How so?" I questioned.

"Well thats just it. I don't know." He laughed.

"Alright ill help you." I smiled.

The man grabbed me and embraced me in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" He yelled.

I smiled slightly and he let go of me.

"We will go to the river tomorrow. You can go were ever you please. But stay away from the library they hate people like you." He spoke.

I shook my head and he walked to the door.

"My names Travis by the way." And with that he left the room.

Travis. So his name was Travis. I got up off the floor and stretched my arms. I walked over to the door and peaked out. I saw Travis turn the corner in the hall. I walked down the hall and decided to leave where ever I was. I ran around the halls and eventually after asking many people for the way out I found it. I opened the doors and decided to find the Library. I know he said they didn't like people like me but I want to know more about this key. I want to know where this portal is located. I stepped back away from the place and noticed it seemed to be like a castle. But a very small castle. I turned around and walked down the streets. People stared as I walked. But they didn't seem to fear me. They were more intrested in me. I looked around at each building trying to see a sign for the library. I looked over and saw a small cafè. I walked up to the cafè and walked inside. As I walked inside I felt like I was being watched. I gulped and walked to the cashier. She looked at me eyes wided. I looked at the menu and decided to order a cookie. She handed me the cookie and I left the cafè. As I walked out I noticed someone in the cafè staring at me. Not in a curious way but the stare was intense. I felt shivers go down my spine as I left. I walked a bit further up and stopped in front of the library. I began to walk to the door but for some reason I stopped

"Why do Hybrids never listen to a word you say."

Aarmau AU •✞Two Sided Love✞•Where stories live. Discover now