A Familiar Figure (7)

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I woke up to somewhere unfamiliar. I shot my head up and looked around. This wasn't my house. The place around me was fancy. I soon noticed I was laying on the couch.

The room was beautiful but I wasn't sure where I was. I rubbed my eyes a bit and stood up. Right when I stood I fell to the ground.

 Right when I stood I fell to the ground

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"Ow.." I whimpered. 

My head shot up as I heard someone walking into the room. I laid on the floor as still as I could. I pretended to sleep hoping who ever it was wouldn't notice I was awake.

"I know your awake." The deep voice said.

I laid still for a bit more and I heard him walking closer. I was about to peek up but he lifted me up caring me over his shoulder.

"Hey wait a second put me down." I screamed.

He kept caring me and threw me onto a bed. I felt my face turn pink but he turned around quickly.

"Stay right there." He demanded.

The tone of his voice surprised me I recognized it. It was the boy who saved me once before. I haven't seen his face yet either so I was curious about what he looked like. It wasn't going to move though because his tone it was like he was anger but he didn't yell. I heard him start walking back and this time I was going to figure out who he was. As he turned the corner my eyes stared right at him. His face it was ... covered. He wore a red mask over his eyes with a red hoodie over his head. He came up to the bed and I closed my eyes cheeks blushing like crazy. I felt him sit on the bed. He touched my ankle and I flinched. He put some ice on my ankle I felt him lifting up my pants from the bottom. He must have been looking at my ankle but all I know was I wasn't looking at him so I had no idea what he was up too. I heard a creak from the bed and I opened my eyes. He got up off of the bed and had his back to me.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"Well lets just put it this way someone stole my flipflop so I jumped at him.. from the window." I mumbled.

"Didn't I tell you to stop jumping out windows." He stated seriously.

That angered me why does he care.

"Why do you care I don't even know you! I don't know what you look like nor do I know your name!" I screamed.

I saw him hold his fists together he seemed very pissed now.

"What have I done." I thought to myself.

He turned around and even threw his mask I could feel his anger and I could understand his emotions. I back up a bit and he walks closer to me. I put my hands over my face and curled up into a ball. I heard him get onto the bed and I could feel my face turning red. I peeked out a little and saw him in front of me.

"You should be thankful ive helped you." He said.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt and held it in his hand. He pushed me into him and I could feel my face burning up. I felt my face hit his chest and that's when I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt under his sweater. I could feel his abs under his shirt which only made me blush even more. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Hows your ankle?" He asked.

I got up off of him and tried to walk on the bed. I felt like I haven't walked in years. I kept stumbling he got up and lifted me off the bed and put me on the ground. He sit me down and I tried to walk. I kept my balance a little but before I could fall he grabbed my waist. I could feel the heat rushing into my face.

"Try walking ill hold onto your waist." He spoke.

I nodded my head still slightly blushing. I began to walk and I could feel him still holding me I was so lost in thought. Out of no where I felt him jerk me back both of us falling to the ground.

"What was that for??" I screamed.

"What do you mean by "what was that" you almost walked into a wall." He yelled back.

When I finally came to my senses I noticed that I was sitting in his lap. I looked behind me and my face turned more pink. I felt him stand up and when he got up he lifted me up as well.

"Epp" I yelped.

He lifted me up and put me on the bed.

"You can stay here for tonight if you want." He said turning his back.

"Where are you going to sleep." I asked.

"On the couch.. unless you want me to sleep with you." He said while smirking.

I hid under the covers and didn't answer him. I could hear him walk away and eventually I drifted off to sleep.

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