Miss you

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  • Opgedragen aan Merlin/Colin Morgan

Hey guys.

This is going to be a short stroy and a sad one at that.

I'm not sure many people will read this but i'm give it a go.

Any feedback would be awesome thanks for reading


Merlin’s POV

“Merlin no!” shouted Arthur from a distance but it was too late I had already ran to far ahead. Morgana looked at me with a happy smile written across her face. If it was the last thing I would do I would kill her. I never wanted to kill her but if I was going to die today she would come with me.

“I guess this is it,” said Morgana.

“I guess it is,” I said to her. We both raised our hands and began to shout spells. My life flashed before my eyes. Suddenly I felt pain and I knew death would soon take over.

“Merlin no please,” I heard Arthur’s voice begging. I opened my eyes to find myself lying in Arthur’s arms and I noticed blood was covered over me and him. I then realised it was my blood. Morgana had finally got her revenge on me for the times I had stopped her.

“Is she dead?” I asked Arthur with what breath remained inside me.

“She is dead,” he told me firmly.

“I’m as good as dead too,” I said to him.

“No, I can still save you,” he said as I saw the tears in his eyes.

“Arthur you’re king now and you have a beautiful wife. You no longer need me to protect you. I have fulfilled my destiny and now you must let me go,” I said to him.

“No Merlin,” said Arthur.

“Hey stop being such a prat,” I laughed for the last time and then I felt death take me...

Arthur’s POV

Day 1

Dear Diary

You died today. You left me today after saving me yet again. I can’t believe you are gone Merlin. I still can’t accept you are no longer here. I will no longer be able to listen to you calling me prat. No more of your banter and as much as I acted like I didn’t care or hated it, I’m gonna miss it.

How can I go on without you? How am I going to live without you? You protected me Merlin without me knowing for so long. You kept your secret from me to save your life but you still used your magic to save me and my father when we would just have you killed. You were brave Merlin more than anyone else I know. You are the rock I never knew I really had until recently.

Merlin I never admitted it but you were and always will be my best friend. You will stay deep in my heart. I will never forget you. I still remember the day we met. The day that you stuck up for my old servant and the day I got you arrested. I look back and can’t believe how much has happened since then.

How back then we hardly knew each other and now I’m here without you again but this time missing you, needing you. Knowing I will never see you again. That cheeky smile to keep me going and to call an idiot and the strange thing is without you I probably wouldn’t be the person I am today.

I’m not going to lie Merlin. I miss you. I think I will never get over this.

Merlin you will always be in my heart.

“Arthur are you coming to dinner,” called Gwen my heart.

“Yeah I’m coming,” I called to her as I closed the book and stuck it under my pillow. Today I had lost Merlin and it’s completely destroyed me.

I’m shattered.

Miss youWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu