Day 5 Part 2

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Arthur’s POV

“ can’t be you right?” I asked.

“It is me you prat but not in the way you hope. I used the diary and brought you here. I’ve come from the spirit world because I can’t watch you anymore suffer. Arthur I’m dead and I can’t come back. It was my time to die and you must accept it and so does everyone else. My funeral is tomorrow and you must accept that after that you must try to move on. You need to know you can do this all without me. I’m dead Arthur,” he said to me.

“Why did it have to be your time? I don’t get it,” I said to him.

 “I don’t sometimes either but it was my time. I also can’t watch you keep writing in that diary. I know it helps you Arthur but a dairy really?” he asked me before he laughed.

I looked at Merlin and I laughed with him. Merlin may be dead. I may never see him again but I had thought I would never see him again before and here he is in front of me. I wanted to hear that laugh on more time and now I have. Merlin came over to me and brought me into a hug.

“Thanks Merlin for doing this for me,” I said to him.

“I knew I had too. I’ll always be in your heart Arthur. You have the memories we shared throughout our time together. Keep that and never forget it. I’ll be watching you Arthur. I always will be. You can do it. I know you can. Let Gaius no he never let me down or my mother. He did so much for me and I couldn’t have asked for more. Let Gwen know I will never forget her and Arthur remember this. I will never forget you ok prat,” said Merlin pulling away.

“I know that now...Oh Merlin what about magic?” I asked him.

“You do what you think is right. I will say one thing though. Magic isn’t evil it’s what people use it for what makes it seem evil. I love you Arthur,” said Merlin before everything vanished around me disappearing from my grasp. I found myself back in my room at my desk with the diary in front of me and a quill in my hand.

I knew Merlin would continue to laugh at me about this but I began to write in my diary again.

I just saw you Merlin. I got to see you one more time and to hear that amazing cheeky laugh one more time and that was all I really needed. Thank you Merlin and I love you too always. Your memories will never be lost.


Sorry guys probably not what u wanted to happen

But I did this story to follow Arthur and Arthur alone.

I love Merlin but this short story is about Arthur and how he faces Merlin's death

I'm sorry to disappoint anyone who wanted Merlin alive.

I believe there is either one or two parts left


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