Day 4

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Arthur’s POV

This may sound sad or stupid but I continue to believe you’re going to walk into my chamber and everything will be fine. I know today is the fourth day and it may take me a long time to get over this but I wish I didn’t have to get over it. Why can’t you just be here with me? Why did you have to die on me Merlin?

I look back and remember all those moments when we use to banter. From the first day when you called me a prat and a royal one at that, I remember hating you but then we had that fight and I knew then there was something about you from that moment onwards. It didn’t stop there it continued.

I remember when you called me a clotpole and I never believed you about Cedric. I have to admit that was a good insult but I always treated you badly because of it but I think we both enjoyed it deep inside. Oh yeah Merlin who can forget when you called me a dollop head. That was just before we found...Morgana.

I shouldn’t even mention her name. She is the reason why you’re dead Merlin, I will always hate her but I’m glad you killed her too or I would have seriously killed her myself or died trying.  You wouldn’t have wanted that I know but there wouldn’t have been anyone to stop me.

You came up with these words and I miss them all. I mean why would I? They are insults to me but I still can’t help but miss them. I miss calling you an idiot because as much as I know you have magic and you’re not as stupid as you looked or pretended I know you are still an idiot and you can’t deny that.

I look at all the things we have been through. I try to remember every time between us but still it’s never enough.  I miss you Merlin and I find myself crying at the worst of times including in a council meeting earlier on today. I’m discussing about removing the ban of magic within the Kingdom Merlin. I know this would make you happy and you will be able to have peace. I want you back but I know I can’t and  the least I can do is try to give you back something after everything you have done for me.

I hope you know I’m going to do my best with this and I’m not going to give up with it. You’re not evil and that means magic can’t be evil right? I mean you were everything and you were always there for me. If you wanted to kill me you would have done it ages ago or you would have just let me die.

The Funeral will be soon. I hope I maybe be able to fix everything to remove the ban of magic on that day. It would be a proper good bye and you will be truly at peace which you rightly deserve. I hope Merlin you will never forget me. I will never forget you. I will always miss you, remember you and cherish you within my heart.

I wait each day until I may see you again

I left my chamber after putting my diary under my pillow to go find my wife Gwen. I wanted to go for a horse ride and I hoped she would come with me. I haven’t even thought about going horse riding or hunting since Merlin died. I may not go hunting again or for quite some time and most people could probably guess why.

I found Gwen in the council chamber just doing some paperwork. “Hey,” I smiled at her.

“Hey Arthur is something wrong?” she asked me.

“No, I was just wondering if you wanted to go for a horse ride and maybe lunch, picnic maybe,” I said to her smiling peacefully.

“That sounds amazing Arthur,” said Gwen getting up from the chair. I led her out and through the castle to the courtyard. A servant fetched us two horses. I sighed as one of the servants finished putting on the equipment on the horse. Merlin use to do that.

“Thanks,” said Gwen to the servant and I nodded. I climbed onto the horse and so did Gwen. That was when the other servant arrived and attached the picnic basket to my horse.

“Thank you,” I managed to say but I had struggled. This is what Merlin should be doing not these servants. They are no match for Merlin. They aren’t Merlin. I took a deep breath in trying to calm down. We both set off after that out of Camelot and into the forest.

Throughout the whole picnic I found it hard. The time I go back to my chamber later on I pulled out the diary from under the pillow, slammed it on the desk and began to write within it.

Hey Merlin me again and yes on the same day. I can’t take this! It’s driving me crazy. Like what I just did. I took Gwen for a horse ride and a picnic but all that reminded me of was that time when you set up that picnic for me and Gwen for us both and escorted Gwen to the forest and to me.

That is so clear in my head right now and when I just did it I couldn’t think clearly. I hardly said a word to Gwen and she probably noticed and didn’t have a good time. How can i have a good time? I don’t deserve to have a good time when you’re dead and you can no longer have a good time. You are meant to be here Merlin and to still be my servant.

This is killing me from the inside and its exploding out of me getting worse and worse each day. Today is only the fourth day without you. Imagine it when it builds up to a couple of weeks I think it’s going to kill me. This is just too hard. Why is this happening?

Merlin why don’t you come back? Merlin come back now! You’re not dead!

I slammed the diary shut and I slumped onto the desk as the tears began to fall. I sobbed into my arms like a baby. If Merlin could see me now, he would laugh his head off and to be honest I wish he would be laughing his head off at least I’ll have him back then.


Ok there you go day 4

This is short so it be over soon but i hope you have enjoyed this short story

Votes and comments would mean a lot thanks :)

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