Day 5 Part 1

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Arthur’s POV

Everyone believes I’ve lost it. I’ve locked myself in my room; I won’t let anyone in apart from Gwen, not even that servant Gwen had got us. I think everyone is right. I’ve lost it completely. I mean I’ve locked myself in and I won’t go out until I finally accept you are gone. Considering I can’t accept it don’t know if I will ever leave this room again.

I’m no good to my kingdom like this. I know I should put my kingdom first but I can’t seem to do that right now. Maybe as the days turn into weeks I could finally see that I need to put my kingdom first but right now I don’t want too, I can’t do it.

I know your funeral is tomorrow. I know I said I would try and remove the ban of magic but I’m not sure I’ll be able to do it. I’m scared Merlin of this change within my life and I don’t know if I can accept another change so soon, so close to the change with you out of my life. Maybe you will hate me, I wouldn’t blame you. Yet again I’m being the selfish person I am and to be honest I probably don’t deserve to be king either.

As I went to continue to write the pages began to flip over within the diary without me doing it. I looked at it in amazement. Suddenly there was a flash of light and everything seemed to disappear. I found myself standing in Merlin’s room...well it use to be Merlin’s room. I haven’t let anyone touch the chamber since Merlin died.

What is going on? I don’t understand any of this. I looked around and then my eyes landing on the person sitting on the bed...Merlin.

Gaius’s POV

“Gaius you really don’t have to be doing that. I mean you are old and shouldn’t be doing this type of work,” said Hunith as we both sat down in her hut.

“I must pay my way,” I explained to her.

“You really don’t have to Gaius,” said Hunith smiling at me.

“Well I want too then,” I smiled back.

“I’ve done my speech for the funeral tomorrow,” said Hunith.

“I’m very glad to hear that. We will leave this afternoon and we should get their by tomorrow,” I smiled.

“Could you maybe give it a read?” she asked me. I looked at her and nodded. She went over to her bed and fetched a piece of parchment and handed it to me. I began to read it and this is what it said.

My Speech

Merlin will always be a part of my life. I imagine he will stay in a lot of people’s hearts for a long time to come, maybe even forever. I’m not going to stand here and convince everyone that I was the best mother to Merlin. I did what I thought was right at the time, in that moment. I may have made mistakes but each mistake I made I also made a right one.

Merlin turned into a lovely young handsome man who cared and cherished Camelot and the people within in. Merlin would put his life on the line each and every day for the safety of Camelot, its king and at the time the prince. Merlin cared and will always care about Arthur. They may have had a funny way of showing it but they both loved each other even if they hide that deep within.

Some people would believe Merlin to be a traitor to Camelot because of his magic ability. When Merlin was born I knew him to be special. He could move objects before he could even talk. Merlin is special, even if he is gone he still is. His power he only used for good. He only used his magic to protect Camelot. Without Merlin Camelot would have fallen a long time ago.

I was blessed with Merlin, I really was but it got to that point where I had no idea what to do anymore. I know I made the right choice to send Merlin to Camelot and to Gaius because that is what turned Merlin from boy to man. Merlin found a new home and a point. Merlin had a great destiny which will be remembered for years to come. He brought King Arthur to the throne safe and sound. Without him Camelot would not be what it is today.

I know this funeral is a goodbye but to me it will never be a goodbye. Merlin will always be in my heart. I will cherish the memories I had with him within my mind, within my heart forever and always. Merlin shall never be forgotten. We all loved him, we all still love him. All we can hope is he is now at peace.

“This is really amazing. You speak from the heart and that is all that is needed,” I said bringing her into a comforting hug. “Merlin will always be in our hearts,” I added.


Thanks for reading. As you can see this is part 1 of Day 5

Part 2 be up soon.

Any votes and comments would mean a lot thanks :)

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