My fantasies

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"I like to daydream because my imagination is better than reality"

All of us has a powerful imagination which creates ideas and plans. Some of us daydreams too imagining some scenarios that might happen in their life.

And of course some of us have a better fantasy than reality but don't daydream too often because you might get in trouble.

Although daydreaming is kind of good for you, you might get caught up in your daydream and you realized that you don't know what they were talking about or you're in the middle of nowhere.

It could be because were thinking too much that we daydream and start imagining scenarios and such. It could be that you imagine you imagine that you're successful or imagine depressing things.

But why not make them a reality? I mean the good things not the bad things. If you want to be a singer then practice even the most horrible voice can improve. If you want to get a perfect score then get motivated and study.

Maybe our daydreams make us realize what we need to do in life. It doesn't have to be big. It can be taking up a new hobby.

If you daydream a lot about depressing or bad things, try to avoid them because they will only leave a negative outlook in you're life.

If you daydream that you're not good enough, you will believe that. If you daydream about a past experience that wasn't too good, leave it in the past and focus on a bright future.

But imagining about bad things can help us analyze them more but again maybe it's better to avoid them.

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