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"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way."

Sometimes when we dance for the first time, we look like idiots right? (well me). When we see professionals doing it, we wonder how they can do it and we try to perfect our every step. If we compare this quote to life, it's pretty deep right? 

"The goal is not to be perfect but to have fun" that's what I think the translation of the quote. Enjoy every step you take in life because all of those experiences had a lesson whether it may be sad or happy. They all gave you memories and their the reason why you are you right now.

The reason why you have to enjoy it is because if you will have no fun in doing it, why are you still doing it? I know that life is not perfect like us. There are hard times, bad times and good times but we have to overcome all of it with a smile. No matter how hopeless the situation is.

Some of us may have wish that life should be always good times but if it's always like that how will you grow as a person? Remember keep a smile, positive vibe inside you're heart, and finally maybe after the storm has passed, I know we can't say "I enjoyed it" but remember it gave you experience that will be important for your future.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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