Chapter 1

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Tobin's POV
I shoved my way through the crowd of people. News reporters, old teammates, crying fans. No one could believe what happened.  I drove down as soon as I heard the news, but I'm afraid I'm too late.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I screamed. Too loud. I made a scene. Fans screamed my name, asking for autographs, pictures, and hugs. Tears slid down my face as I was finally able to make it to the door. Pleasantview Hospital Read the words on the door.

Last night, Alex Morgan, talented athlete, beloved personality, and the face of women's soccer, had overdosed on drugs. Nobody knows why. I need to see her. She's not quite dead yet. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know why I still care. I told myself I was done with her. For some reason I always find myself coming back. 

I sprinted to the front desk.
"Alex Morgan. I need to see Alex Morgan," I choked out.
"I'm sorry, family members only," the lady at the desk replied with a smile. I punched my fist on the desk.
"Ma'am, calm down," said the lady, standing with a sense of urgency. I couldn't even get any words out. My throat had closed up, and more tears spilled out of my eyes. She looked down at a file, then back up at me.
"They are pulling the plug on her life support. I'm so sorry,"
"NO! YOU AREN'T. YOU DIDN'T KNOW ALEXANDRA MORGAN. LET ME SEE HER," I sobbed. I saw a slice of pain in her eyes, but she returned to her professional persona.
"I'm sorry ma'am,"

I kicked her desk, and sprinted up the stairs. If she won't tell me where Alex is, I'll have to find her myself. They can't kill her. I need to see those icy blue eyes one more time. I need to feel the warmth of her hug one more time.

I looked in the windows of all the rooms I passed, not finding Alex, only receiving glares from doctors. I sprinted up another flight of steps. I don't have time to take the elevator. I passed a room and had to do a double take. I saw Alex's mom, Pam, and her sister, Jeri, standing beside her bed, holding each other. I saw the doctor reach for the plug.

"NO!" I cried out. My voice was raspy. He didn't pull it. Pam and Jeri looked at me with terrified looks on their faces. I looked at the girl in the bed. It wasn't Alex. It wasn't the girl I had known for years, the one I hugged and loved. It was a pale, lifeless body. Every emotion and feeling she had ever felt was being drained out by a machine. The doctor gave me a dirty look, then came and closed the curtain on the window.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I could barely breathe. They were going to take her away from me. I wobbled down the hallway. I wanted to turn back, bust the door down and carry her out. But I couldn't. I'm sure the doctor had pulled her plug.

I feel empty in my drive back home. I don't look at any of the faces or places. I drive robotically. My life feels like it has no meaning. I don't see Alex much anymore, but she is always in my heart. The first thing I think of when I wake up, and the last thing I think of before I fall asleep. I don't speak to her anymore, so why does this hurt so much?

Christen was waiting for me when I walked in.
"Tobin, baby, oh my god what happened?" she questioned. She seriously doesn't know. I ignored her and lied on the couch. She covered me up with a blanket and kissed my forehead.
"I love you. Get some sleep. We'll talk when you wake up,"

Christen was exactly what I needed. A loving, beautiful girlfriend that would be there for me. But my mind still wandered back to Alex, and I couldn't
help but think; I lost her again. This time, there's no getting her back.


Hey guys! Tell me what you think! I'm so bad at judging my own writing. I'm planning for the tapes to start in the next chapter but I'm not positive yet.

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