Chapter 5

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(Tobin's POV)
So, here we are. Tape 3. Clint, this comes without surprise, it's yours.

I pressed pause. It's late, I should save this for tomorrow. I already know what Clint did to Alex, it's just the suspense of how Alex is going to say it. How she will find another way to make me feel guilty. It seems like so far throughout these tapes, I could have solved all the issues. I need to stop blaming myself. But I'm not sure I can do that.
I took a deep breath as I headed into practice at Providence Park. I could hear bickering as I rounded the corner, and my eyes fell upon Clint arguing with Allie.
"I told you. We're never getting back together. I'm in love with someone else. Get over yourself," she scoffed as she ran into the stadium.

I followed closely behind her and came face to face with Clint. Neither of us said anything, and I turned and headed to the field. He stopped me before I could continue.
"Hey Tobin?" He asked.
"What," I replied bluntly.
"Can I talk to you after practice today? About Allie?" He said nervously.
"I don't know any more than you do,"
"Please, just for 5 minutes,"
"Fine. Just meet me out here once it's over,"
I don't know what I'll say to Clint. I'm not sure who's worse; him or Servando.

About halfway through practice, I started to get very nauseous and I was wondering whether or not I could keep my breakfast down.
"Hey coach, I know I've missed a lot of practice lately but don't feel well. Would it be alright if I sat out for the rest?" I asked timidly. Mark understood, and he sent me to the restroom before I came back.

I pushed myself up onto the sink to sit. I glanced at my backpack and the tapes threatening to spill out. I gave in and pulled out tape 3.

After Servando sent that picture and you and I weren't friends, you took a particular liking to him and his friend José. You guys were like the three musketeers. The Three Stooges. Except you were the three douches. I thought everyone was starting to forget about the picture, but as soon as I started to think that, you reignited the flame.

*** (Alex's POV)
I curled my long brown hair and thought to myself. Why was Allie so mad at me today? What list was she talking about? I walked over to my closet to choose a dress for tonight. We have a banquet with National Teammates. We could invite up to four people, but I didn't invite anyone. I decided on a long blue dress that hugged my waist and hung gently around my shoulders. I glanced at myself one last time, and headed out the door.

I pulled up to the banquet location and sat in my car for a few minutes. I have been absolutely dreading this, and today didn't make it any better. I'll have to face Allie. I stepped out of my car and grabbed my purse. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

When I got inside, it wasn't really much of a peaceful banquet. There were strobe lights, drinks, loud music, and people dancing. I walked up to the drink table and grabbed a random blue drink. Who cares what this is. I need something to take the edge off tonight anyway.

It seems like everyone here I would have talked to has a best friend to hang out with except me. Hope is talking to Carli, Kelley is talking to Ali, and Tobin is talking to Christen. I could have invited someone else, but I don't really have other friends. Sure enough, Allie was here. Clint was here too, which surprised me. Allie definitely didn't invite him. He was here with José and... Servando. My breath hitched when I saw Servando. We made eye contact and I quickly turned away pretending that I didn't see him, but it was too late.

"Damn Morgan. Lookin' good tonight," he spat. I didn't answer, and kept my back turned.
"Alright. No biggie. I'd rather look at this side of you anyway,"
Disgusted, I grabbed my drink and practically ran to the other side of the room. Tears were pooling up in my eyes. I stood facing a corner for a few minutes before I felt a tap on my shoulder and a soft voice.

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