Chapter 9

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(Tobin's POV)

Dom, you really were different. You were friends with all the people that made my life a living hell, but there was something about you that wasn't like them. You had a kind, genuine side. You cared about me when your friends didn't. That night at the diner, I really did appreciate you sitting with me. I thought maybe things could start getting better for me. I thought maybe, just maybe, I had actually met a nice guy. But as you have heard throughout the tapes, things never seemed to go well for me. This was no different.

I rubbed my tired eyes as I listened to the introduction to her next tape. It's been a few days since I listened to Christian's tape, and I needed a little time to get myself back together. Every time I see his stupid face on the TV, I become more and more disgusted with him. Everyone loves him. If only they knew what he did. I poured myself a cup of coffee, ran my hand through my hair, and continued listening to her tape.

*** (Flashback: Alex's POV)
I leaned down to get a drink from the water fountain, my breathing heavy and face sweaty. I gripped my hands on the sides of the fountain and stood there for a second. Dawn is really kicking our asses today. We have a while before our next friendly, so Jill called a camp to train and keep us in shape. We are training at an indoor facility in Seattle, and it just so happens to be the same facility the U.S. Men's National Team is training at. I haven't run into any of them alone yet, but I know it's bound to happen.

I turned around from the fountain, still out of breath. Across the room sat a big stand with many compartments. It was a new thing that some of the U.S. Soccer officials had set up for us. They were aware of the negativity that had been going on, so they decided to set up this "compliment station." There were some paper and pens, and you could write someone a compliment anonymously and put it in their slot. It was there for the men's team as well as the women's team, but I don't think the men have really been using it. I decided to go check my box before I left. Surprisingly, people had actually been leaving me a lot of compliments. They were all about my new hair color, or how well I've been doing in training, or my style, nothing about my body or anything.

This whole thing was stupid, but for some reason it made me smile. These anonymous compliments were one of the only things getting me through the days here. This time, it was a little different. My box was completely empty. I walked away, not thinking much of it. I'll just check again later.

Dawn gave us a few hours off to go get lunch, so I hopped in my car and decided to find somewhere to eat alone. I lived in Seattle a while ago when I played for the women's team here, so I can probably find my way to a good place to eat. I hummed to the song on the radio as I drove, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. Eventually, I pulled up at a little vegetarian café. It was one of my favorite places when I lived here.

I slammed my car door and walked into the restaurant. My eyes gazed around the small room, and landed on a group of men's national team players. After looking closer, I didn't see Clint or Christian, so I figured I would be safe if I sat far away from them. I went up to the counter and ordered a sandwich and a salad, then sat down at a two-person table by the window, making sure I was facing away from the men's national team players across the room.

I began to eat in peace, minding my own business, when someone came and sat in the chair across from me. Great. I glanced up from my food to see Dom Dwyer smiling softly at me. We haven't really spoken since that night in the diner when he sat with me. Who knows what he has to say now?

"Hey," he said quietly. I didn't say anything, just gave him a small smile.
"How's your training going?" he asked.
"It's alright, it's hard but we all need it," I replied, "How's yours?"
"Man, it's awful. Our coach has got us doing all kinds of weird stuff. I'm so sore it hurts to laugh," he said, trying to hold back his laughter. At this, I laughed a little bit too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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