The End...

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10 June 20XX

The Vongola held a funeral. It's not grand and just attended by few people. No one shred any tears, and only one that actually looked sad.

The breeze passed by, and that boy's lock dancing from the gust. That frown in his forehead didn't fit his ever cheerful face at all.

Tapping the sad looking boy's shoulder, that fedora man said, "It's getting cold out here, I think it's better for us to get in now."

The wheel chaired boy hummed, "okay Reborn... I'll follow up after this" the boy said.

Reborn shooked his head, "you know that he is the enemy right? Why bother to bury him anyway?"

The boy smiled, "well before this I had a short conversation with him and he's actually nice. I even get some advice from him. So I think it's just right to do a funeral. He was once a vongola too afterall, even though he betrayed us at last." He chuckled sheepishly as he scratched his nape.

Reborn silently sighed, "you're so naive, Tsuna..." the boy pouted, "but I guess that's what makes you, you..." Reborn smirked while Tsuna huffed.

"Well, let's get to the others now, shall we?" Tsuna smiled in respond as he nodded.

Reborn pushed the wheel chair and helped the boy to get back to the mansion.

'Well Revano-San, despite on your betrayal, you showed me on how much my family loved me. And therefore I would like to say my thanks. And... may you Rest In Peace...'

With that thought, Tsuna smiled all the way back as the breeze blow away softly with his pray....


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