Chapter 6

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I unlocked the door to my apartment and took off my clothes, dropping  garments on the floor along the way. I reached the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing the bottle of tequila that sat on the door. Grabbing a whiskey glass I poured a cup half filled. Standing there in my sports bra and boxers, I chugged as much as I could of the tequila. Unfortunately, it was only about two swigs, but I was determined to finish this glass. I glided my way to the living room, turned on the TV and grabbed my phone. I had to call Michele.

The phone rang twice before Chele picked up.

“Hey, bitch.” She answered lovingly.

I laughed, “Wuddap, what you doin?” I asked.

“Nothing, why, what happened?” Chele asked, somewhat concerned.

“Nothing………..” I started, “I just came home from chillin’ with this new security chick from the mall.” I said, smile beaming through the phone.

“Oh yea?” Chele asked surprised. This was the first time I mentioned Jazz to her so I know she wanted more details. The problem was; what details did I want to divulge?

I decided to keep it simple, “Yea nothing major, just a new friend to chill with when I’m bored at the mall. She’s cool.” I laughed nervously, trying to hide how excited I REALLY was.

There was a moment of silence before Chele poured out, “Yea right bitch you got a crush like shit! I already know. I can tell. You can’t hide anything from me. You know that I know everything about you. What’s wrong with her? She ugly? That’s why you don’t want me to know huh…”

“Na! she’s FAR from ugly!” I said a little too zealous. I calmed my voice down before finishing,  “... I mean, she cute and all but she’s not really my type. She’s just a friend, that’s all. She cool as shit. She break dances and she said she’s gonna teach me.”

“Uhhhh huh.” Chele replied suspiciously, “Well anyway, since you aint gonna tell me the truth about your lil friend, boo thing… WHATEVER… I’ll tell you about what happened to ME today... so tell me why...” As Chele began to rant on, I sat and sipped. I spent the next hour and a half talking to my best friend about everything that happened to her that day. I slowly felt myself get tipsy as I continued to sip.

Seconds later, I heard a beep on my phone, I looked at it and realized that I had a text message. Putting the phone on speaker, I pressed the home button and navigated my way to the text messages. There, sitting in my inbox was a simple text from Jazz.

Thanks for hangin with me tonight. It was amazing. Can’t wait for happy hour tomorrow! Goodnight. =)

I smiled…. HARD. I couldn’t stop smiling. I didn’t even know what to say. I didn’t want to seem pressed nor did I want to seem like I was too excited.

“CEE!! Are you listening to me???” Chele yelled, snapping me out of my trance.

“Oh, uh… yea..” I replied, faking the ENTIRE funk. I knew damn well I wasn’t paying attention. But I wasn’t gonna tell her that.

“Uh huh. You’re boring me. I’ll talk to you later. Bye girl. Ol non-listenin ass” Chele said before hanging up. I chuckled to myself before continuing my stare down with my phone. How was I going to reply to this? I was tipsy, borderline drunk at this point. Whatever I said was probably going to come out bad. I probably should just play this cool and not reply. I didn’t want her to think that I was crushin, no matter how bad I was.

Shortly after the debate on whether to reply in my head, I found myself asleep, floating in dreamland. As I lay on the couch, TV on, passed smooth out, I dreamt that Jazz and I were swimming. We went to a pool and she came wearing the same thing I was. She had on swimming trunks and a sports bra; same color and everything. We went swimming and I pushed her into the water and giggled. When she came up, she laughed and splashed water on me. After a short but exciting water fight, we went to the locker room to change. When we walked in, she grabbed me from behind, turned me around and pushed me up against a locker as she went in for a kiss. Just before it happened, I was snapped out of my sleep by a loud ass commercial. Damn... I couldn’t even have her in my dream.

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