Day 1: Sunday - June 25, 2017

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To kick Wrestling Week off, I figured why not start with wrestling? I know a lot of writers tend to skip over the wrestling matches, and that's why this prompt is only about the action in the ring if you want it to be.

The main focus of this day is to put a spotlight on the emotions before, during and after the match. Does one of the wrestlers feel anxious, afraid to hurt their other half? Did they have a fight before teaming up together, and it throws off their concentration?

Quick note: On the indies, men wrestle women, and if you're writing for a WWE ship and an inter-gender match is something you want to try, go ahead. It can be really fun to write, and it gives you a new direction. You can write that WWE has implemented inter-gender wrestling again, and your ship is the first to try it out in the "New Era", or just let them have a match with an implied background.

Don't be afraid to throw WWE rules out the window + write what you want to see. Guy hits his finisher on his girlfriend in the match, possibly injuring her, thus setting the scene for the aftermath of the match. Girlfriend turns on boyfriend at the end of the match for storyline purposes, but neglected to tell her boyfriend that the script had been changed.

Ex-lovers meet in the ring and put on a spectacular show that reminds them why they fell in love in the first place. Your ship vs. another actual couple, which can add a lot of funny, domestic moments to the match, similar to this one:

A cute highlight from Ricochet vs. Tessa Blanchard:

The tone of your ship's single/tag team match can be serious if you want it to, but it can also be one big joke. It can have high stakes, or no stakes at all. You don't have to overthink anything, because the moments in the matches and the match itself is all up to you.

And if you are considering integrating a match into your prompt, go on over to -MammaMia- and check out the chapter on writing matches in my tips book "To Suck or Not To Suck?", where I break down the fundamentals of writing one.

What is Wrestling Week?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora