Day 3: Tuesday - June 27, 2017

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This is where you take your ship out of the world of wrestling and place them in a completely different world. Maybe a world where they're just normal people working at Burger King. Or a world where they're superheroes/villains.

Literally anything will do for this prompt. A Rapunzel AU, a Little Mermaid AU. Take any Disney movie you can think of, put your own spin on it, then cast your ship in the main roles. Don't take a scene and copy it down word for word, because that's plagiarism. What I'm suggesting is that you use the universe this world is set in.

Like the Supernatural universe, for example. Create a world where monsters exist, then have your ship be the hunters that save people from them. If you have a favorite show, this is your chance to incorporate your ship into it.

Write your ship as dogs, and go all Lady and the Tramp. Make them high school kids, business execs, famous actors that cross paths. You get the picture, right?

Here are some alternate universes to consider:

-The infamous coffee shop AU
-Soulmate AU
-Vampire AU
-Werewolf AU
-Hunger Games AU
-Divergent AU
-Disney Prince/Princess AU

And there's a bunch more. If you're still confused and/or don't know what type of AU to write, Google 'alternate universe plots' and you'll get a variety of interesting ideas to use.

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