Wrestling Week 2018

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To anyone reading this, thank you! I want you all to know that I am deeply sorry about how I flaked out at the end of last year's Wrestling Week, and I hope you can forgive me. I won't go into the details, but I needed to take a break, and unfortunately it came at a bad time. So, now I'm on the path to redemption.

If you take a look at my bio, you'll notice it's been updated with new prompts for this years Wrestling Week, taking place July 8th - July 14th. Here's a brief explanation of the prompts + ideas for them.

Day 1 (July 8): In the Crowd. In this prompt, one half of your ship will be watching from the crowd as the other half of the ship is in the ring. Now, the crowd doesn't necessarily mean in the crowd. It could be backstage with the other wrestlers, watching on a TV monitor. Your ship can be a couple going through a rough patch, or one half of the ship has a helpless crush on the other, and tries to blend into the background. There's quite a few ways to spin this.

Day 2 (July 9): First Date. Can be shown in the moment or in a brief flashback. It could be a planned date, or an outing between friends that turned into a date as the night went on. This first date can be terribly funny or just terrible. Your ship can end the night on a high note, or with a promise to never speak of the date again.

Day 3 (July 10): Roommates. Sharing a home or room with someone can have its laundry list of positives, but it also comes with a fair share of drawbacks. Focus on the small problems or write about the big ones. One half of the ship can always drink straight out of the milk carton, or someone doesn't like the company the other brings around. Not everything will be sunshine and rainbows, and it's up to you to decide how they handle being pushed over the edge.

Day 4 (July 11): In Vino Veritas. The Latin phrase which translates to mean, "in wine there is truth". This is where one half your ship is vulnerable and makes a drunken confession. The confession can be one of love, heartbreak, or sadness. Feel free to play around with it, but know that it's something they probably wouldn't have said in their right mind due to pride or fear.

Day 5 (July 12): Beach/Snow Day. I had originally just planned a beach day, but I wanted the variety that came with being on the beach or being in the snow. You have a choice between them, but if you want to do both, be my guest. Swimming and creating sandcastles in July, or drinking hot chocolate and making snowmen in December. Use whatever favorite beach/snow activities you have.

Day 6 (July 13): Insecurities. This prompt is all about support. Insecurities hold back one or both halves of your ship, and they choose to confide in each other with these worries. This could be a well-known insecurity of whatever wrestler you've picked, or one pulled out of the blue.

Day 7 (July 14): Free Day. Just as it says, this is a free day, which is always great to wrap up a week of prompt-filled writing. Write a superhero story, or a mermaid AU. Your ship with children, or getting married. It's all about what you want to see your ship doing.

As I said before in a post, the wrestling fandom has kind of disappeared, myself included. I know we're all busy and I understand we have our own lives, but I would love for you to participate if you're considering it. And who knows, maybe this could breathe some new life into our fandom?

If you have any questions about anything whatsoever, don't be afraid to message me or comment down below!

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