Day 2: Monday - June 26, 2017

135 10 2


Angst makes the world go round and it instantly ups the stakes in any story. Everyone at one point has written some angst. It's when the couple breaks up, someone gets badly injured, or a couple is at odds for whatever reason.

This is basically the same thing, except you have to have it resolved by the end. If one half of the ship blames the other half for something, things have to be fixed/explained before you wrap everything up.

The hurt section is where you put your ship through any obstacles you can think of. Tears can be shed, stuff can be thrown, words can be yelled. Really anything you think will provoke strong emotions out of the reader is what I believe works best.

After the smoke has cleared up, that's where the comfort section of this prompt comes in. The couple can get back together, agree to be friends, or just embrace with no words being said.

This might be one of the easiest prompts of wrestling week, depending on the route you take when putting your ship through pain during the hurt scenes. If they're full on yelling at each other and saying hurtful things that can't be taken back, it could be harder and a tad unrealistic to resolve it quickly. So, keep that in mind.

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