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(In the story it's 2015) My name is Brianna Spier. I'm 17 years old. I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on March 15th in 1998. But I live in Santa Barbra, California. I live with my Aunt Angela who raised me. You see in 2001 when I was 3 while I still lived in Pittsburgh. My dad walked out and no one heard from him since. My momwas incapable of taking care of me because right after my dad left she became an alcoholic and she physically abused me. My grandmother got Child Protective Services in on it. She told them to take me to my Aunt Angela who at the time lived in Phillidelphia.  Whichis about 4 hours from Pittsburgh. She was packing up to go to photography school in Santa Barbra. At first she wanted to kiss it goodbye. But she figured out how to go to school in California and still raise me. She graduated in 2005. She then got a job at a photography studio. Growing up I loved hanging out at the studio. Everyday after school that was where you found me. I would be playing with the cameras. (Being careful ofcourse) When I got older I'd be one the computers playing with the photoshop software. I met my ex boyfriend Evan Thomas from hanging out at the studio. We met when I was 14. I gave him my virginity. As a result in October 2012 I found out that I was pregnant with his child. My aunt wasn't happy that I was pregnant at 14. But who would be? Me and Evan decided to keep our baby. On June 8th 2013 our daughter Ashley Jordyn Thomas was born. It was honestly the best day of my life. I melted in happiness the first time that I held her. Evan did as well. He actually was crying tears of joy when she was born. My aunt fell inlove with her the moment she laid her eyes on her. When Ashley was a month old I found out that Evan had an affair when I was 5 months pregnant. We argued about it and eventually split. We haven't talked since. I legally changed her lastname to mine. In order to be able to raise Ashley myself I've switched to online schooling and I got a job at the studio. Even though I have no degree I work as a photographer. I work hard and I love my job. Lately buisiness at the studio has gone down. So I took a second job as a paparazzo. I give half my earning from that to the studio to help keep it alive. Now I'm not the kind of pap that stalks you while you're at home. I target award shows and if I run into a celebrity in public I'll chat with them, see what they're up to, get a photo, if they said anything interesting like they're working on a new movie or new music I'll put it out on the media. I usually do my work for TMZ. They were the first people that would hire me so. They don't like the good guy that I am. But I don't wanna be a bad guy here. I just want to get something good without being too much of a stalker and I just wanna keep the photography studio alive and to get enough money to be able to buy anything Ashley. Well little did I know my job as a pap would lead me to being Justin Bieber's girlfriend.

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