Chapter 2

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That night

Brianna:"Goodnight Ashley." *kisses her*

Ashley:"Goodnight mommy."

Brianna:"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite." *turns the lights off and shuts the door*

Brianna's POV:"Yes Ashley has her own room. We both like it better that way. Usually at night I'm doing school work and for a while we shared a room but my laptop's  backlight often woke her up. Since I still live with my aunt and we live in a 3 bedroom house. I asked and she let Ashley use the third bedroom. I keep a baby monitor in there and one with me because I can't help but get worried about her."

Brianna's phone went off and she looked at it

(Text convo)


Brianna:"Hey Justin, it was nice meeting you earlier."

Justin:"Did I interrupt anything?"

Brianna:"No, I just put Ashley to bed. Usually after that on Saturday nights I have nothing to do."

Justin:"So do you wanna hang tomorrow?"

Brianna:"Can it wait until next Saturday?"

Justin:"Do you have church?"

Brianna:"I haven't been to church since I found out I was pregnant with Ashley. I was so ashamed. I was an unwed 14 year old who was gonna be a mom."

Justin:"I understand."

Brianna:"The reason I want to wait until next Saturday is because I don't live in LA. I live out in Santa Barbara. I figured it's best time and money wise to head to LA once a week. Besides I have to work during the week."

Justin:"What are you doing in the week?"

Brianna:"I work for my aunt's photography studio."

Justin:"Is your aunt, Angela Spier?"


Justin:"You gave me her business card and I wondered who it was."

Brianna:"That's her. Yes I have the same last name."

Justin:"Alright, well I gotta go but nice talking to you."

Brianna:"Back at you."

(End text convo)

Brianna's POV:"I had to pinch myself to be sure that I wasn't dreaming. I've never imagined that just happening. Truthfully if I was looking and saw Justin I would've turned the other way. He's on a list of celebs I fear. As a paparazzo. It's just that with him throwing shoes, flipping off, cursing out, and threatening to beat/kill the paps. I knew that I should fear him. Sure I'm a nicer one and if you ask me to leave I will. But I'm still scared because I know that there are some celebs who try to hurt me the moment they realize who I am. I try to target celebs like Ariana Grande. She's rather nice to the paps. I've actually met her last month and she was really nice. Anyway I really avoid the people on my list especially since I usually have Ashley with me and I don't want her hurt."

Brianna’s phone then rang

Brianna:*Answers* “Hello.”



Evan:”It’s me.”

Brianna:”What do you want?”

Evan:”Lately I’ve really been regretting what I’ve done. Odds are we’ll never be back together but I wanna at least be friends. I also wanna see Ashley more. I have missed her. The reason I haven’t said anything since she was a month old was because I felt so guilty for the cheating. Then I didn’t think you’d want to speak to me after how long I was absent. But I obviously said fuck it.”

Brianna:”Well let’s meet up Wednesday. At my Aunt’s studio. After that I’ll get Ashley from daycare and the 3 of us could get dinner or something. But you and I are doing this as friends okay?”

Evan:”It’s cool. I do have a girlfriend now. I was thinking maybe you and Ashley could meet her. I trust her around Ashley. She loves kids!”

Brianna:”That sounds good. Anyway we meet up at the studio on Wednesday as it’s closing.”

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