The Last Night of Krypton

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Screaming and the stench of fire, woke Kara-Zor-El from her slumber. She instantly shot out of her bed, it was supposed to be dark, but the room was illuminated with the growing fire that consumed the buildings and the people of krypton.

"Mum!" Kara called out for her mother, fear was pumping through her blood, "Dad!" She yelled out as she climbed out of her bed. The instant her feet made contact with the floor, the whole world felt as though it was shaking. She lost her balance and collapsed to the floor, tears were threatening to spill out of her crystal blue eyes but she as much as she wanted to curl up into a ball and cry, she also wanted to find her family.

Kara shakily stood up onto her feet but the world of krypton shook ever so intensely, causing her to fall back to the ground.

"Kara", the sound of her father calling out to her made her want to cry. She watched her father clumsily, stumble into her room. He was able to keep his balance as he ran towards his shaking child.

"Daddy" Kara cried out, she used whatever strength she could muster, and pushed herself off the ground to run into her father's arm. Her father bent down and wrapped his arm around his daughter, never wanting to let go of his sweet, innocent child.

"Daddy, what's happening?" Kara cried out innocently as she crumbles into her father's arms, allowing herself to cry into her father's shirt. The hug lasted only for a minute, but it was as if the whole world had stopped shaking.

How could he let go of his sweet baby girl?

After the minute passed, the shaking intensified, he picked up his baby girl into his arms and began to run down to his laboratory where his wife Alura was anxiously waiting for him. As he ran down to his lab, he whispered into Kara's ear, "You're going to be safe honey. You're going to grow up and be one of the greatest kryptonian that has ever live", tears ran down his face he knew that wouldn't be able to witness his daughter growing up,

Kara, who's arm was wrapped around her father's neck, was confused by that statement, she knew of Brainiac, but she didn't know what role he played in her world's destruction. She felt saddened seeing her father cry, she wanted to comfort him but she couldn't

Her father gently put her onto the crumbling ground of the laboratory, "Mummy" Kara cried out, she ran into her mother's arm, she could feel her warmth radiating off her perfect, pale skin. Zor-el ran to the pod that was almost ready for transport, he started typing the earth's coordinates.

"Kara, my baby girl" Alura wept as she cradled her daughter into her arms, this will be the last time she could ever see, or touch her daughter.

"I'm scared Mum, what's happening?", no-one would tell Kara anything, she was scared and seeing her parents cry only added to her fear. Her mother gently wiped the tears that fell down her daughter's face.

"Krypton is dying honey" Alura stated sadly, "You need to leave now and take care of your baby cousin Kal-el", she didn't want to put so much pressure on her daughter, but it was necessary.

"You're coming with me, right? You and daddy?" Kara couldn't stand the thought of being sent to some unknown planet alone. She wasn't going to leave, she wasn't going to leave her friends or her family to wither in pain from the forever growing fire.

Alura and Zor-el looked at each other, their eyes reflecting the pain and anguish that they felt deep, within their hearts. Zor-el nodded his head to his beloved wife.

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