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Summary Chapter 3: What if Mon-el stayed on the daxamite ship with Kara? Rewrite of 2x21 and 2x22

Supergirl frantically ran through the corridors, fighting, punching and slamming whatever daxamite that got in her way.

Lillian Luthor was running behind her, she wasn't as frantic as Supergirl, but she was still worried about her daughter.

Hank Henshaw was just running behind them like a loyal dog that follows their master.

Supergirl ducked down to avoid being hit with the spear, but before that daxamite soldier could hit her, she grabbed the spear and threw it across the floor, which almost hit Hank and Lillian.

Supergirl grabbed the soldier by the throat and spat in his face, "WHERE ARE THEY? WHERE IS MON-EL?"

The soldier had fear written on his face as he watched the Kryptonian shake with anger. The soldier pointed to where they were.

Kara let out a soft sigh, "Thank you" she said politely, but before the soldier could do anything to betray her. She punched him across the face to knock him out.

Lillian smirked at this, it was amusing to watch the Kryptonian angry.

Supergirl super-sped down the corridor in the direction that the soldier pointed. There were 2 guards standing in her way.

She clashed the guards head together to knock them out simultaneously. As their bodies crumpled she saw 2 familiar faces.

"Lena! Mon-El!" She exclaimed as she ran towards them, stepping over the daxamite bodies.

Supergirl didn't care that she was dressed up as the superhero that national City admired. She had to embrace him, she couldn't resist the urge to.

Supergirl literally flew into Mon-el's arms. He wrapped his arms around her, afraid to let go.

"You found me" Mon-el murmured into Supergirl's hair, he could feel Kara nod her head. He heard her whisper, "Always".

He cupped Kara's face and kissed her.

Lena just stood there awkwardly, "Sorry to interrupt" Lena apologised, Kara and Mon-El, instantly broke apart from their kiss.

Supergirl cleared her throat, "Lena!" She exclaimed, "I'm so glad that you're okay", she resisted the urge to hug her best friend.

Lena gave Supergirl a gentle smile before walking up to her and giving her a small hug, which surprised her but she didn't fight it.

Lena whispered, "The glasses don't help", the comment made Supergirl smile. As they broke apart, Lillian and her lost puppy, Henshaw, ran towards them.

"Mom?" Lena asked in confusion as she and Supergirl broke from there hug. Mon-El instantly put his arm around Kara's waist.

"What's she doing here?" Mon-El grumbled under his breath.

"She's Lena's mother" Supergirl explained. Lena walked up to her mother. She didn't know whether to hug her mother, or give the bitchest death glare that she could muster.

"You came" Lena stated harshly, "Did you come to steal some alien tech to kill the aliens that you despise?"

Lillian's smug smirk faltered at the harsh tone of her daughter, but she quickly composed herself, "Believe it or not, I came here, willingly, because I care about you", Lena scoffed in disbelief. Before she could retort back, Mon-El interrupted.

"As much as I love evil mother's reunion, we should really get going" Mon-el said as he pointed at the daxamite soldiers who were running at them. Supergirl nodded her head as she grabbed Mon-El's hand and ran to the teleport transmitter with the Luthor's and Henshaw running in front of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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