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Chapter 2 Summary: Kara and Alex are captured by CADAMUS while Mon-el and Maggie have to work together in order to save their loved ones.  

Kara woke up with a pounding headache, her vision was blurry yet she was able to see that she was in a confined cell. Her lungs were burning from god knows what, but before she could collect her thoughts, shelooked around and noticed someone lying behind her, she quickly stood up, ignoring the headache and the nausea.

"Alex" Kara called out to her sister who was laying unconsciously on the floor, she immediately ran to her sister and scanned her for any injuries. Besides the cut on her head, Alex was fine. She put Alex's head on her lap, stroking away the hair that was tainted with blood.

"I'll get us out of here" She whispered to Alex, but before she could figure a way out, she heard Alex heartbeat change, indicating that she was waking up.

"Kara?" Alex asked groggily as she slowly rose from Kara's lap, Kara was tempted to push Alex down to rest but she didn't know where she was, or even how she got here.

"How are you feeling?" Kara asked as she saw the pained look on Alex's face.

"Peachy" Alex replied with annoyance, she had an annoying headache which meant she was hit over the head with something. She suddenly realised that she was in an unfamiliar setting, "Where are we?"

Kara simply shrugged, "I don't know, I don't even remember how we got here"

Suddenly, a pair of heels hitting the cold, metal, floor, echoed in the isolated room. Kara and Alex were trapped in small cell that was located in the middle of the room, there were trays with syringes and an arm chair that didn't look appealing, in the corner of the room.

"Great to see that you are awake", the devil's voice reverberated in the dim room.

"Of course, it's you" Kara muttered under her breath as she stood up instantly with her sister by her side.

"I thought your rich ass was in jail" Alex spat at the only person who she hated more than Maxwell Lord, Lillian Luthor.

"Sorry to disappoint" Lillian said, although she didn't sound apologetic. Alex wanted to punch her in the face so badly, the only thing that stopped her was the metal bars that stood between them.

"What the hell do you want?" Alex asked while moving in front of Kara protectively. She wasn't going to let a sadistic woman like Lillian, to get anywhere near her alien sister.

Lilian smiled at the protective gesture, "With you?" Lillian asked, "Nothing, you're only purpose is to serve as motivation for your sister".

Kara let out a sigh of relief, Alex wasn't their main target, as long as she did what they said, Alex wouldn't get hurt. "Just don't hurt her, don't hurt my sister"

Alex looked at Kara with disbelief, "Kara" Alex said in a soft yet harsh tone, Kara gave her a small smile before taking a step to stand next to Alex instead of behind her.

"So, what do you want?" Kara asked, "I doubt you're here to have a conversation with an alien"

Lillian chuckled at that statement, "No, you're right, we're not here to talk. We're here to study you, your physiology, the way your body works, the way you think"

Kara shot her a confused look, were they going to dissect her like an animal? Kara saw 2 guards walk into the room with a taser in their hands. She could easily take them down, it was a simple task.

"You and this whole organisation can go to hell. I'm not going to let you touch my sister" Alex threatened with a commanding voice. Lillian smirked at this statement, she didn't take Alex seriously, it's not like she could do much in a cell.

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