Swasan ff My Love Towards My Crybaby Part 1

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Hi Ev1....  It's me Ashley....  It's my first ff.....  So let's start here....

   A handsome boy,  dashing boy....  Named Sanskar is a cute and very much pleased towards his fmly.....  His fmly too s so sweet....  (his fmly s just d same as n swaragini serial!)

Raglak is gng to get married just in three weeks....  Marriage preparations was gng on a full swing... 

Swara,  an innocent,  sweet, beautiful, Fearful and a traditional girl lost her parents at d age of seven... She lives with her uncle and aunt...  They always make her lyf hell.... 

Now our story starts here.... 

A big mansion named maheshwari is shown.... 
Ragu's parents have come to meet lucky's parents to discuss the place of their engagement....
Shekhar (ragini dad) : Gm Shekhar ji and ap ji....

Dp: gm

Shekhar: actually my dad and mom are in xyz village...  They wants to keep at least their granddaughter's engagement in that village...  So if u don't mind....

Ap: no problem,  Shekhar ji.... Isn't it Dp ji??? Ml 😆😆

Dp: s,  madam ji...  Hahaha of course Shekhar ji...

Sp: I luv villages....  I can see a cute,  Gud luking bride for my son.... 

(Sandy while descending the staircase)
Sanky: mom,  Plz for ur need don't let me into trouble...  Lyk my brother...

Rp: what is this my son,  Sanskar you....

Lucky: papa wait...  I'm happy with my ragu...  And I will keep her happy too...  Not a word against my love...   (while tying his tie,  descending the staircase)

Sanky : I didn't tell bhahi ,  bhabhi is my frnd...  How can I???

Lucky: u said indirectly

Sanky: OK bhai relax....

Just then Lakshmi saw Ragu's papa and mama....

Lucky thought Wat he said said about ragu and blushed and started to change the topic...  Was gng to say something...  But...

Shekhar: thanks beta.  For showering so much love on her... 

Now Lakshmi blushed to much...

Sanky: for the first tym in Indian history,  I'm seeing my bhai blushing....so cute know papa...  L 😂😂😂😂

Lucky : no I didn't

San: s

Laksh: no

San: s

Laksh: no

Sanky : no

Laksh: s

Sanky : hahaha there u go... u just said that by ur self... 

Summit softly said
Sumi: enough beta both of ur'll...  Stop being so childish....

Ragu enters the mansion with a.....?????

Upcoming : ragu said something which made others to smile whole heartedly

1) what did she bring with her???
2) what she's up to???
3) what she's gonna say ahead??
4) how will Swara and Sanskar meet???

Any guesses????  C'mon guys leave ur comments behind

swasan ff my love towards my crybaby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now