Swasan ff My Love Towards My Crybaby Part 5

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At midnight 3 am...

Sanky went to Swara's room..  Swara was sleeping..  He was admiring her..  But suddenly felt something..  He noticed that she had cried Sterday... 

Sanky : crying baby...!!! 😒😒Swara utto Na...  Utto Swara... 

Suddenly Swara got up and saw him..  She feared a lot...  And and and...  She started to cry again...  (OMG Y is this girl always crying..) 

Sanky: Y r u crying...!?? 

Swara : ji I didn't do anything!!  Plz...  Believe me...

Sanky: I know Swara..  But Y r u crying??

Swara : Mmm K Y did u come here ji??

Sanky: Oo s I totally forgot about that..  U have to say s for the marriage.. 

Swara: but Y ji already the marriage is fixed know..

Sanky(in mind)  : (angrily) everyone xcept me came to knew about my marriage... (to swara)  how did u know..

Swara: but ji I'm helping ur'll in that marriage Nly know. (referring to raglak marriage)

Sanky hit his forehead and said

Sanky: ofoo I didn't tell about them..  It's about ours..

Swara: (shocked) : Wat ji Plzzzz...  I want to let my lyf go on myself...

And she started to cry again...

Sanky got irritated and saw a fruit knife on the table...  And tuk it without knowing her... 

Sanky (showed the knife) : luk here if u didn't agree then....  This knife will speak... 

Swara closed her mouth and nodded her head lyk an obedient child with tears brimmed in her eyes..

The next day

Swara started her work in helping others..  At that tym..

Ap: Beta v have decided to make u married to Sanky.. 

Swara came to say something..  But at that tym Sanky came and showed the knife which frightened her

Swara saw that and nodded her head positively.... And went out.. Cryingly.. Then suddenly she cried a lot on hearing her cry everyone came out...
And then everyone was under utter shock...  Swara ran.... 

Upcoming : engagement of... ?????

1) Wat hpnd??  Y Swara ran??
2) Y Ev1 was so shocked??
3) for whom is the engagement??

I know guys it's a very short update...  I have an Xam tmrw...  And moreover I want ur'll to reply for Wat Swara and others got shocked... 
Tmrw...  After the Xam..  Surely I'll update a beautiful chappy... 

Wish me Gud luck guys...  Luv ya...  😘😘
Onve more I'm xtremely Sry guys... For short update..  And Tq for voting and commenting..  And don't forget to leave ur guesses

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