Swasan ff My Love Towards My Crybaby Part 16

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Hi Ev1 it's Ashley here... 

In the eve..

Sp: rp ji,  ap ji,  Dp ji..  I think we must tell them to go alone...  I said raglak..  And swasan..  I know Ragini and Laksh should not meet..  But for shopping we have to take her..  They must know about each other..  After sending them...  We can got to other shop and we can buy from there for us..

Dp: thats a Gud idea.. 

Ap: sujata u r Gud enough to make others b happy..

Rp: of course she's after all my wife.. 
And winked at sp to which sp blushed..

Sanky then came down and saw his ma blushing. 

Sanky: OMG Wat did ur'll do to make my ma blush lyk this she turned so pink.. Something is happening in this house first lucky bhaiya..  Now my mom..  Uff.. Really..  All these happening in this house...

And laughed heartily..

Sp: enough Sanky...  Now plz got and get ready...  Now u and Swara go n one car..  And raglak in one car.. And lucky will call raging and come so u both go first...

Sanky showed all his 32 teeth..  And said

Sanky: sure ma..

Sanky went..  To his..  Room..  While gng he knocked Swara's room... But the door was opened..  He went in..  And saw standing..  In D balcony..  And drying her hair..  He went near her..

Went near her ears to which she jumped a Lil coz of Shivering... And sudden touch.. And she turned..  She moved aside..

Sanky: (mind) : if u love me Y r u feeling frightened to tell me..

Sanky: Swara..  Get ready we r gng out for shopping and then we'll b gng to theater..

Swara: ji one doubt..  It's wrong to go alone bfor marriage..

Sanky:But not together with fmly..Swara... 

Sp entered the room and said
Sp: s Swara...  After shopping we all will b gng for watching movie ..  Dr..

Swara: ji ma.. I'll get ready now..

Sp went..  And Sanky too..

Swara got ready in a beautiful pink saree...  Coz she s traditional..

Then they headed towards..  The mall..

Lucky got ragini and went to d mall..

Then both raglak and swasan.. Went to lehanga section...  And Swara donk Wat to select..  Coz she felt..  That they cost too Much and has to b paid by someone..  But how could she think lyk that while they think her as their fmly..

On sensing this...  Sanky said

Sanky: don't worry Swara choose Wat u lyk..

Swara: k ji..

She went slowly to ragini and said

Swara : di,  Plz can u select any dress for me...  For us sister...  Plzzzz di..

Ragini: Mmm OK my Dr sis..

Swara: Tq so kuch di..

Ragini: no Tq and Sry btwn sissos..

Swara smiled at this.. 
Ragini went to Sanky unnoticed by swara

Ragini : Sanky u buy a dress..  For Swara..  She's feeling somewhat..

Sanky: OK di don't tell her anything..

Ragini : OK done Sanky...

Then Ev1 took all d dresses and headed towards...  The theater...  All d way Swara and Sanky kept quiet... 

They tot of gng to an horror movie...  But Swara was frightened of this dark,  ghost, people, and Evthing..  Coz of her past..

They sat.  But Swara was sitting btwn ragini and sp...  Sanky was upset since sp and ragini was sitting near Swara..

Since ragini was sitting near Laksh Sanky can't tell her to move..  But he can tell sp.. The movie started..  But Swara closed her face with her palm..

She  caught ragini's hand and said

Then she caught sp 's hand.. But she felt somewhat diff...  She felt it was so masculine.. But she felt so frightened that she didn't feel anything diff of the hand.. 
Actually it was sanky' s hand..

Sanky came to tell something..  But Swara hugged him...  Due to fear... She started to cry..  Lyk a baby..  Actually just tears were filled in her eyes..

Sanky was shocked..  Y is she crying lyk this.. 

Swara then got frightened and slept in his arms...

After some tym.. ...  Swara got up and saw Sanky..  She tot that it was sp..
Sanky: don't worry Swara..  Nothing will hpn..  It's just a story...  Nothing much..

Swara: I'm Sry ji...  I don't know wen I slept over u... 

Sanky: indeed I was happy..

Sp interrupted..

Sp: OK enough lovebirds..  The movie got over..

Sanky : k ma..

Swara: ma..  I want to go to Washroom..

Sp: Sanky u bring her back and now I'll show d Way to Washroom Dr..

Actually our car has started so I have..  To go..  Since dad has to take a file from d office so..

Sanky:ji ma no problem..

Then Swara came out...  Raglak went to ragini's house..

Swasan headed towards their car..  Since there was rushing pushing she got frightened seeing the crowd and asked Sanky.

Swara: ji can I hold ur hand...  Coz I'm frightened of this crowd.. Plzz

Sanky: Y r u lying Swara..  I know u lyk to hold my hand.. Come close to I'll always b there by ur side..

Swara was shocked to listen..  Coz these words Were already said by her so called dad..
She got frightened and she moved back from him..  But Sanky caught her close to him..  There were tears in her eyes remembering those words..

Upcoming : 5 days leap... (😂😂) swasan marriage preparation... 

Guys...  Actually ill b busy from tmrw and I'll b free... Only from Tuesday evening...  Coz I'm gng to join in my hostel..  And I'm happy that my phone is allowed... 

So I'll not b able to update a long chappy or sometimes..  Not even that too..   So Plz spare me.. Luv u guys...  Gud night and this episode is of sunday's episode...  Njoy reading..

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